Title :

Investigating CNNs

Description :

The goal of the exercise is to investigate the building blocks of a CNN, such as kernels, filters, and feature maps using a CNN model trained on the CIFAR-10 dataset.


  • Import the CIFAR-10 dataset, and the pre-trained model from the helper file by calling the get_cifar10() function.
  • Evaluate the model on the test set in order to verify if the selected model has trained weights. You should get a test set accuracy of about 75%.
  • Take a quick look at the model architecture using model.summary().
  • Investigate the weights of the pre-trained model and plot the weights of the 1st filter of the 1st convolution layer.
  • Plot all the filters of the first convolution layer.
  • Use the helper code give to visualize the feature maps of the first convolution layer along with the input image.
  • Use the helper code give to visualize the activations of the first convolution layer along with the input image.


model.layersAccesses various layers of the model

model.predict()Used to predict the values given the model

model.layers.get_weights()Get the weights of a particular layer

tensorflow.keras.Model()Functional API to group layers into an object with training and inference features.

Visual Demonstration of CNNs

In [0]:
# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model

from matplotlib import cm
import helper
from helper import cnn_model, get_cifar10, plot_featuremaps
In [0]:
# As we are using a pre-trained model, 
# we will only use 1000 images from the 'unseen' test data 
# The get_cifar10() function will load 1000 cifar10 images
(x_test, y_test) = get_cifar10()

# We also provide a handy dictionary to map response values to image labels
cifar10dict = helper.cifar10dict
In [0]:
# Let's look at some sample images with their labels
# Run the helper code below to plot the image and its label
num_images = 5
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,num_images,figsize=(12,12))
for i in range(num_images):
    image_index = random.randint(0,1000)
    img = (x_test[image_index] + 0.5)
    label = cifar10dict[np.argmax(y_test[image_index])]
    ax[i].set_title(f'Actual: {label}')
In [0]:
# For this exercise we use a pre-trained network by calling
# the cnn_model() function
model = cnn_model()
In [0]:
# Evaluate the pretrained model on the test set
model_score = model.evaluate(x_test,y_test)
print(f'The test set accuracy for the pre-trained model is {100*model_score[1]:.2f} %')
In [0]:
# Visualizing the predictions on 5 randomly selected images
num_images = 5
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,num_images,figsize=(12,12))
for i in range(num_images):
    image_index = random.randint(0,1000)
    prediction= cifar10dict[int(np.squeeze(np.argmax(model.predict(x_test[image_index:image_index+1]),axis=1),axis=0))]
    img = (x_test[image_index] + 0.5)
    ax[i].set_title(f'Predicted: {prediction} \n Actual: {cifar10dict[np.argmax(y_test[image_index:image_index+1])]}')

Visualize kernels corresponding to the filters for the 1st layer

In [0]:
# The 'weights' variable is of the form 
# [height, width, channel, number of filters]

# Use .get_weights() with the appropriate layer number 
# to get the weights and bias of the first layer i.e. layer number 0
weights, bias= ___

assert weights.shape == (3,3,3,32), "Computed weights are incorrect"
In [0]:
# How many filters are in the first convolution layer?
n_filters = ___
print(f'Number of filters: {n_filters}')

# Print the filter size
filter_channel = ___
filter_height = ___
filter_width = ___
print(f'Number of channels {filter_channel}')
print(f'Filter height {filter_height}')
print(f'Filter width {filter_width}')

⏸ Based on the dimensions of the input image given to the defined model, how many kernels constitute the first filter?

A. $3$

B. $32$

C. $1$

D. $24$

In [0]:
### edTest(test_chow1) ###
# Submit an answer choice as a string below (eg. if you choose option C, put 'C')
answer1 = '___'
In [0]:
# The 'weights' variable (defined above) is of the form 
# [height, width, channel, number of filters]
# From this select all three channels, the entire length and width
# and the first filter
kernels_filter1 = ___

# Test case to check if you have indexed correctly
assert kernels_filter1.shape == (3,3,3)
In [0]:
# Use the helper code below to plot each kernel of the choosen filter 
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize = (12,4))
colors = ['Reds','Greens','Blues']
for num, i in enumerate(axes):
  i.set_title(f'Kernel for {colors[num]} channel')

Visualizing one filter for the first convolutional layer

Each of the above kernels stacked together forms a filter, which interacts with the input.

In [0]:
# For the same filter above, we perform normalization because the current
# values are between -1 and 1 and the imshow function would truncate all values 
# less than 0 making the visual difficult to infer from.
kernels_filter1 = (kernels_filter1 - kernels_filter1.min())/(kernels_filter1.max() - kernels_filter1.min())

# Plotting the filter
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize = (4,4))
ax.set_title(f'1st Filter of convolution')

Visualizing all the filters (32) for the first convolutional layer

In [0]:
# Use the helper code below to visualize all filters for the first layer

for i in range(4):
    for j in range(8):
        filters= weights[:,:,:,(8*i)+j]
        filters = (filters - filters.min())/(filters.max() - filters.min())
fig.suptitle('All 32 filters for 1st convolution layer',fontsize=20, y=0.53);

Visualize Feature Maps & Activations

⏸ Which of the following statements is true?

A. Feature maps are a collection of weights, and filters are outputs of convolved inputs.

B. Filters are a collection of learned weights, and feature maps are outputs of convolved inputs.

C. Feature maps are learned features of a trained CNN model.

D. Filters are the outputs of an activation layer on a feature map.

In [0]:
### edTest(test_chow2) ###
# Submit an answer choice as a string below (eg. if you choose option C, put 'C')
answer2 = '___'
In [0]:
# Use model.layers to get a list of all the layers in the model
layers_list = ___
print('\n'.join([layer.name for layer in layers_list]))

For this exercise, we take a look at only the first convolution layer and the first activation layer.

In [0]:
# Get the output of the first convolution layer
layer0_output = model.layers[0].output
In [0]:
# Use the tf.keras functional API : Model(inputs= , outputs = ) where
# the input will come from model.input and output will be layer0_output
feature_model = ___

# Use a sample image from the test set to visualize the feature maps
img = x_test[16].reshape(1,32,32,3)

# NOTE: We have to reshape the image to 4-d tensor so that
# it can input to the trained model
In [0]:
# Use the helper code below to plot the feature maps
features = feature_model.predict(img)

Visualizing the first activation

In [0]:
# Get the output of the first activation layer
layer1_output = model.layers[1].output
In [0]:
# Follow the same steps as above for the next layer
activation_model = ___
In [0]:
# Use the helper code to again visualize the outputs
img = x_test[16].reshape(1,32,32,3)
activations = activation_model.predict(img)

# You can download the plot_featuremaps helper file
# to see how exactly do we make this nice plot below

⏸ Using the feature maps, is it possible to locate the part of the image that is most responsible for predicting the output class?

A. Yes

B. No

In [0]:
### edTest(test_chow3) ###
# Submit an answer choice as a string below 
# (eg. if you choose option B, put 'B')
answer3 = '___'