
Course helpline:

Welcome to AC295: advanced practical data science. The course will be divided into three major topics:

1. How to scale a model from a prototype (often in jupyter notebooks) to the cloud. In this module, we cover virtual environments, containers, and virtual machines before learning about containers and Kubernetes. Along the way, students will be exposed to Dask.

2. How to use existing models for transfer learning. Transfer learning is a machine learning method where a model developed for a task is reused as the starting point for a model on a second task. It is a popular approach in deep learning where pre-trained models are used as the starting point on computer vision and natural language processing tasks. This could be very important, given the vast computing resources required to develop neural network models on these problems and the huge gains that these models can provide. In this part of the course, we will examine various pre-existing models and techniques in transfer learning.

3. In the third part, we will introduce several intuitive visualization tools for investigating and diagnosing models. We will be demonstrating a number of visualization tools ranging from the well established (like saliency maps) to recent examples that have appeared in

Lectures (online): Tuesday and Thursday 10:30-11:45am (and possibly depending on timezone of students repeat Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-7:15pm)
TFs: Rashmi Banthia, William Palmer, Andrea Porelli, Shivas Jayaram, Hai Bui, Javid Lakha, Yujiao Chen
Office Hours: TBD

List of Contents


Students are expected to be fluent in programming (Python), statistics knowledge at the level of Stat 110 or above, data science (or machine learning) at the level of AC209A and AC209B.


We will be using a variety of software, primarily Python 3, Pytorch, Tensorflow, and Docker. More details in class.


The course is organized in three modules.

  1. Deploy data science (integration + scalability)
    1a. Virtual Environments and Virtual Boxes
    1b. Containers
    1c. Kubernetes
    1d. Dask

  2. Transfer learning and distillation
    2a. Intro to Transfer Learning: basics and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) review
    2b. Transfer Learning for Images and SOTA Models
    2c. Language Models and Transfer Learning with Text Data
    2d. Attention and Transformers
    2e. Distillation and Compression

  3. Visualization as investigative tool
    3a. Introduction and Overview of Viz for Deep Models: lime and shapley
    3b. CNNs for Image Data, Activation Maximization and Saliency Maps
    3c. Attention for Debugging Language Models

Course Activities

Each module is structured in three types of activities: Lectures, Reading Discussion, and Practicum. Each activity requires the students to complete different assignments in the form of exercise/homework, discussions, reading assignments, and presentations (see Assignments below). During the first weeks of each module, students will attend a lecture on Tuesday and reading discussion on Thursday. The last week of each module will be Practicum. Attendance is mandatory.

  1. Reading List consists of papers, blogs, and other reading material that will be released no later than the beginning of each week. This will be the base for all the activities during the week. See Readings Guidelines here link to guidelines.

  2. Lectures are held online Tuesdays from 10:30-11:45am (and possibly depending on timezone of students repeat Tuesday from 6:00-7:15pm). During this activity, we will discuss and summarize the basic concepts of the material covered during the week.

  3. Journal Discussions are held online on Thursdays from 10:30-11:45 am (and possibly depending on timezone of students repeat Thursday from 6:00-7:15 pm). During this activity, two groups will present one paper each from the Reading List to the rest of the class and lead the discussion. See Paper Presentation Guidelines here link to guidelines.

  4. Practicum are activities in the form of a project based on the material covered in the module. The students will work in groups and be expected to deliver a complete assignment in 10 days. There will be two practicums.


The final grade will be calculated using the following weights for each assignment:


There are eight (8) exercises to complete. They will be released at the end of each regular week Lecture and due a week later. The exercises are graded on a scale 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest grade.

Discussion Forum

There will be a discussion forum the day before the Reading Discussion on Thursday based on the reading from Reading List. All discussions will be on the Ed Platform (select Ed from the tab on the canvas course's main page).


At every Reading Discussion, groups will present the reading material assigned at the beginning of the week. Please see these on the presentations.


There will be two practica during the first two modules (see the schedule for details).

Final Projects

There will be a final group project due during Exams period encompassing all the material learned in class.

Assignment Final Grade Weight
Discussion Forum 10%
Exercises 10%
Presentations 15%
Practicums 40%
Final Projects 25%
Total 100%

Getting Help

For questions about exercise, course content, package installation, and after you have tried to troubleshoot yourselves, the process to get help is:

  1. Go to Office Hours; this is the best way to get help.
  2. Post the question in Ed Forum, and hopefully, your peers will answer.

Course Policies

Collaboration Policy

We encourage students to talk and discuss the assignments with their fellow students. Discussion is encouraged. Presentation during Reading Discussion, Practicum, and Projects are group activities.

Communication from Staff to Students

Class announcements will be through Ed Forum.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Data Science, like many fields of science, has historically only been represented by a small portion of the population. This is despite some of the pioneers in computer science being from groups that are historically and presently underrepresented. Whenever possible, I will try to highlight the contributions that people have been from a variety of backgrounds. To start, here is a list of some really nice references.:

I welcome any additions to this list you may have!

In an ongoing effort to foster a more inclusive environment in computer science, recent initiatives have attempted to overcome some barriers to entry for underrepresented groups:

Like the list above, this list is not exhaustive, but I welcome any additions and suggestions you may have. I would like to attempt to discuss diversity in data science from time to time where appropriate and possible. Please contact me (in person or electronically) or submit anonymous feedback if you have any suggestions to improve the quality of the course materials. The best way to provide anonymous feedback is to use Ed, which allows you to provide comments anonymously. Furthermore, I would like to create a learning environment for my students that supports a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, and honors your identities (including race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, ability, etc.) To help accomplish this:

Academic Honesty

Ethical behavior is an important trait of a Data Scientist, from ethically handling data to attribution of code and work of others. Thus, in AC295 we give a strong emphasis to Academic Honesty. As a student your best guidelines are to be reasonable and fair. We encourage teamwork for problem sets, but you should not split the assignments and you should work on all the problems together.

Accommodations for students with disabilities

Students needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a documented disability must present their Faculty Letter from the Accessible Education Office(AEO) and speak with Pavlos by the end of the third week of the term: Friday, September 18. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to respond in a timely manner. All discussions will remain confidential.

Accommodations for students with disabilities

Previous Material

2020 Spring