
Week Lecture (Tuesday) Lecture (Thursday) Assignment (R:release - D:due)
1 No Class Lecture 1: Introduction: Virtual Enviroments and Virtual Boxes No assignment
2 Lecture 2: Containers Reading Discussion 1 R:EX1
3 Lecture 3: Kubernetes Reading Discussion 2 R:EX2 - D:EX1
4 Lecture 4: Dask Reading Discussion 3 R:EX3 - D:EX2
5 Practicum 1: End to end art search engine Practicum 1 No assignment
6 Lecture 5: Intro to Transfer Learning: basics and CNNs review Reading Discussion 4 R:EX4 - D:EX3
7 Lecture 6: Transfer Learning for Images and SOTA Models Reading Discussion 5 R:EX5 - D:EX4
8 Lecture 7: Language Models and Transfer Learning for Text Reading Discussion 6 R:EX6 - D:EX5
9 Lecture 8: Attention and Transformers Reading Discussion 7 R:EX7 - D:EX6
10 Lecture 9: Distillation and Compression Reading Discussion 8 R:EX8 - D:EX7
11 Practicum 2 Practicum 2 D:EX8
12 Lecture 10: Introduction and Overview of Viz for Deep Models: lime and shapley Lecture 11: CNNs for Image Data, Activation Maximization and Saliency Maps No assignment
13 Lecture 12: Attention for Debugging Language Models No Class: Thanksgiving No assignment
14 Final Project Final Project No assignment
14 Final Project Final Project Presentation No assignment