
Project Objective

The CS205 project objective is to apply the techniques learned in class on a concrete real application to gain hands-on experience with writing and optimizing parallel code. Your project should be oriented on a compute intensive problem, either from your research area or something you come up with from scratch (given that it fits into the time frame offered by the class). The final report is written in the form of a proposal that can be submitted to a high performance computing center to request compute hours on a supercomputer used for your project application. The teaching staff is in the role of the HPC admission committee and will evaluate and grade your proposal.

You will start with a sequential baseline implementation that serves as the reference benchmark. This benchmark will be used as the reference case for the subsequent implementation that must run in parallel (shared memory, distributed memory or both) and is ideally

optimized on the node level. The target platform are the computing resources offered by the Academic Cluster. A successful project will present a performance analysis with respect to the reference case and presents results for parallel scaling and throughput.

Each project group is responsible for planning and fostering the project progress and to meet the project deadlines outlined in the schedule.

Project Requirements

Your project should involve the following considerations:

Projects that do include more of the listed items above or incorporate a higher level of difficulty will be weighted accordingly. The only strict requirement is that the project code is implemented using either the C, C++ or Fortran programming languages.

Project Milestones

There are five milestones for your final project. The deadlines for each milestone are shown in the schedule.

  1. Team formation
  2. High-level project description
  3. In-class presentation of project proposal
  4. In-class presentation of parallel design
  5. Submission of final project deliverables and final project presentation

Note: There is enough time to plan ahead for each project milestone. No extensions will be granted for any milestone. Projects submitted after the final due date will not be graded.

Team Formation

Students are required to form teams and to partition the work among the team members. The final project must be done in teams with 4-5 members each. You are free to form teams and you can use the class forum to find prospective team members. You may also find and discuss project ideas through the forum.

In general, we do not anticipate that the grades for each team member will be different. However, we reserve the right to assign different grades to each group member if it becomes apparent that one of them put in a vastly different amount of effort than the others.


  1. Report your team members and request a team ID from Your team ID will be team01 if you are team 1 or team10 if you are team 10 and so on.
  2. The project code will be hosted in private repositories in the CS205 organization at Once you have your team ID from item 1, a member of your team creates a private repository in the CS205 organization named after your team ID (e.g. team01_2024 if you are team 1) and adds its team members to the repository (you do not need to add the teaching staff, we will have access already).
  3. Create your team in Canvas.

High-Level Project Description

A short pdf summary that describes your project application and briefly explains which parts of the application you plan to parallelize. This milestone is intended as an orientation for the teaching staff such that we can get an idea of your plans and provide feedback in an early stage of the project. The summary should be at most 1 page in text length. Please use graphs or other visuals if they support your discussion. Things you should consider in your report:


  1. Short pdf summary committed to your team repository. File location milestone/2/hl_summary.pdf.

In-class Presentation of Project Proposal

Your team needs to present a project proposal that covers the following sections:

You will have exactly 6 minutes to present your proposal. You have to prepare about 4 slides for your presentation (rule of thumb is 1.5 minutes per slide). Each of your team member should speak once. The 6 minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

This presentation is a chance for you to get feedback. We may suggest modifications if necessary. Our main concern is the amount of effort a given project will require; either too much or too little is unacceptable.


  1. Presentation slides in pdf format committed to your team repository before the presentation. File location milestone/3/presentation.pdf.

In-class Presentation of Parallel Design

Your team needs to present the design of your parallel application that covers the following sections:

You will have exactly 6 minutes to present your proposal. You have to prepare about 4 slides for your presentation (rule of thumb is 1.5 minutes per slide). Each of your team member should speak once. The 6 minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

This is an important milestone/presentation. The identification of parallelism and the methods how you exploit it is very essential for a successful parallel application. A poor design choice may not scale at all or may even run slower than the sequential version in the worst case.

This presentation is not a proposal but a design document. You should be concrete and specific rather than abstract and general, and include real performance estimates supported by numbers.

It is also a chance for you to get feedback from the teaching staff and to come up with ways around roadblocks you encounter. The presentation is important for the teaching staff such that we can ensure that the project is on track and that your proposed work is manageable within the remaining time frame.


  1. Presentation slides in pdf format committed to your team repository before the presentation. File location milestone/4/presentation.pdf.

Final Project Deliverables and Presentation

The final project deliverables are:

  1. Final report written in the form of a project proposal used to request compute hours in a high performance computing center. The report should be committed in pdf format to the team repository. File location milestone/5/report.pdf.
  2. Running code for parallel application (including sequential baseline) with test cases and necessary input data. Committed to the team repository (you are free to choose a directory layout of your code base).
  3. Final presentation to the teaching staff. The presentation slides should be committed to the team repository in pdf format before the presentation. File location milestone/5/presentation.pdf.

Final Report

The final project report is written in the form of a proposal that can be submitted to a high performance computing center to request compute hours for a (research) project on one of their supercomputers. The report should be organized and clear. It is recommended to write it using LaTeX. A template for a final report with additional instructions is given in this pdffile. The corresponding texfile can be downloaded here. A short LaTeX tutorial can be found here. Note that collaborating with tex files that are tracked in a git repository can be troublesome due to different formatting settings of the individual contributors which will confuse git and result in many merge conflicts. An alternative to work on the collaborative project report could be

Project Code

Your final project can be implemented using any of the shared memory models and/or distributed memory models discussed in class. You may use additional parallel programming models if you like. The project must be implemented using either C, C++ or Fortran. Your code must be hosted in the team repository that has been created in the team formation milestone. Include a README file that describes the code and application files, and how your program should be run. You must include detailed instructions on how to compile and run your code. If we cannot run your application from the instructions included with your submission, we will not be able to grade this portion of your project. Your performance results should be reproducible, so you should provide all the information of the system and the environment needed to reproduce your tests. Ideally you include the benchmark scripts you have used in your repository. Special evaluation data sets and test cases should also be available in the repository. An appropriate license should be present for the code. Complex sections in the code should be commented extensively for comprehension and suitable software development techniques should be employed for maintainability of the code base.

Final Presentation

You will be given a maximum of 12 minutes to present your final project results followed by 3 minutes of discussion time. Please prepare a suitable number of slides (rule of thumb is 1.5 minutes per slide). We will enforce the 12 minute time limit. Your presentation should be a minimum of 10 minutes. Focus the majority of your presentation on your main contributions and the achieved parallel performance of your application (node-level performance with roofline, parallel scaling, I/O performance). These will be topics that follow up on the milestone 4 presentation. In addition, you should briefly elaborate on future work and what insights you gained while working on the project and how they can be useful to you in the future.

Project Grading

The final project grades are dependent on the following criteria:

The project will be graded on the depth of work undertaken and how results are communicated (report, presentations, documentation in code, clarity):

Total Weight
In-class presentation of project proposal 10%
In-class presentation of parallel design 10%
Final project presentation 15%
Source code 10%
Section 1 and 2 in final report 10%
Section 3 in final report 20%
Section 4 in final report 20%
Section 5 in final report 5%

Bonus points may be earned for the correct use and inclusion of advanced features like:

Example Projects

You are encouraged to suggest work on your own research code. Here are a few other examples: