
Week Date Monday Due Dates Tuesday Lecture Thursday Lecture Lab Homework Project
1 Jan25-29 Introduction A1: Parallel Processing Architectures (Quiz)
2 Feb1-5 HWA Released A2: Large Scale Processing on the Cloud (Quiz/Reading) A3: Large Scale Processing on the Cloud (Quiz/Reading) I1: AWS HWA
3 Feb8-12 A4: Application Parallelism (Quiz) A5: Designing Parallel Programs (Quiz/Reading) I7_1: MPI (Part 1 MPI local)
4 Feb15-19 HWA Due B1: Foundations of Parallel Computing (Quiz/Reading) H1: Hands-on (NO Quiz) I2: OpenNebula; I3: Docker
5 Feb22-26 HWB Released; Project Team Formation Due B2: Performance Optimization (Quiz) B3: Accelerated Computing (Quiz) I4: Perf. Optimization; I5: OpenACC HWB Prj: Project team formation
6 Mar1-5 B4: Shared-Memory Parallel Processing (Quiz) H2: Hands-on I6: OpenMP
7 Mar8-12 B5: Distributed-Mempory Parallel Processing (Quiz/Reading) H3: Hands-on I7_2: MPI (Part 2 MPI on AWS)
8 Mar15-19 Project Proposal Due NO CLASS WELLNESS DAY C1: Batch Data Processing (Quiz/Reading)
9 Mar22-26 HWB Due; HWC Released H4: Hands-on C2: Dataflow Processing (Quiz/Reading) I8: Hadoop HWC
10 Mar29-Apr2 H5: Hands-on C3: Stream Data Processing (Quiz) I9: Spark local
11 Apr5-9 Project Proposal Presentation Project Proposal Presentation I10: Spark Cluster Prj: In-class proposal presentation
12 Apr12-16 G1: Graph Parallel Processing NO CLASS WELLNESS DAY
13 Apr19-23 HWC Due Project Design Presentation Project Design Presentation Prj: In-class design presentation
14 Apr26-30 Wrapup Lecture Reading Period Begins
15 May3-7 Examination Period Begins
16 May10-14 Project Deliverable Due; Project Presentation (9:00 AM)