
Course Format

The course consists of a mixture of lectures, homework and a final project. Lecture exercises, and most homework will be provided through Jupyter notebooks. Details on each course component can be found below. All course work will be hosted on your private GitHub repository.

Course Workflow

All of your work (except for the class project) will be hosted on your private GitHub repo named githubusername/cs107_<firstname>_<lastname> (Please use all lowercase letters!).

It is critical that you set up a private repo (free for students) and give the teaching staff GitHub account (cs107-sys-dev) access to your private course repo. There are two reasons for keeping this repo private. One is so that other students cannot see your work. The other reason is because the teaching staff will be providing comments and you may not want other students to see these.

Before arriving at each class, you should download the lecture to your local computer, copy it to your course repo, and push the changes to your remote course repo. Even though you will be able to see the lectures on the course website, this procedure will make sure you have an up-to-date personal course repo that accurately reflects the course content. This may be helpful for your future records.

Deliverables for this course will be submitted via GitHub (see below for exact instructions). Make sure you push all changes to your repo before each deadline. The teaching staff will check out your latest work, grade it, provide comments. We will be able to see if you've submitted your work on time or not.

Course Repository Structure

Your private GitHub repo should have the following structure:

Sample Github repo:

The class project will be done in groups of 3 to 4 students. You should create a GitHub organization with your group members and add the teaching staff to it (cs107-sys-dev). The organization will be called cs107-*, where the * wildcard represents any string of characters and the project repo should be called cs107-FinalProject. The group is free to make other repos within the organization for experiments and prototyping, but cs107-FinalProject is the one we will grade. Project milestone1A provides more details.

Project Repository Structure

Your project GitHub repo should look similar to the following:

A Note on Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are great for code prototyping and learning how to use new features and APIs. They are also wonderful for creating documentation and interactive reports and even delivering lectures. However, they are not suitable for large software development projects! One reason for this is because code development in Jupyter notebooks represents a nonlinear development process. Another reason is that there is presently no good solution for version control of Jupyter notebooks. A second reason is the question of efficient source editing. Jupyter notebooks are designed for interaction with a GUI (e.g. through your web browser) which can only offer a limited set of tools to edit content. Source code is plain text and a powerful editor (vim, emacs, sam, eclipse and others) can not be replaced by interaction with a web browser for example. A helpful tool to convert (back and forth) Jupyter notebooks to plain text is Jupytext.

Therefore, in this class you must turn in all homework written in proper Python (.py) files. You are also encouraged to leverage this opportunity and learn how to use a powerful text editor like vim (or neovim) or emacs to do your main code development (especially if you find yourself working with text files a lot). If you feel uncomfortable with these tools, you may want to look into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice (e.g. Spyder, Atom, Eclipse and many others).

Homework assignments and lecture exercises turned in with Jupyter notebooks will not be graded.

A homework workflow is outlined in the Homework section.

Lecture Format

The lecture format for this course consists of two weekly lectures and pair-programming sections. The basic structure is as follows.


In-class lectures will be delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Attendance at these lectures is mandatory. Lectures will each take 75 minutes and will consist of a mixture of instructor content delivery (lecture slides, demos) as well as interactive discussions and small exercises. Topics discussed in the lectures are relevant for pair-programming sections as well. The lectures will be accommodated with small quizzes to test how well the material of the class is absorbed. These quizzes will not be graded.

Pair-Programming Sections

Pair-Programming will form an essential part of the course. Pair-programming will take place in mandatory pair-programming sections led by members of the teaching staff. A schedule for the pair-programming sections will be released in the first week of class.

The first pair-programming section of each week will take place on Friday. You MUST attend at least one pair-programming section each week. You are free to attend any section that you desire in any given week. During these sections, you will work on coding exercises that will build upon the concepts covered in lecture. The exercises will be released to the course website on Friday morning each week and solutions will be released one week after the final pair-programming session for that cycle. For example, the exercises will be released on a Friday morning and pair programming sections will be held on Friday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The pair programming exercises will be due one week from that Thursday no matter when you attended the section. You must turn in your exercises (in your private GitHub repo on the master or main branch) before or on that due date (it should be possible to finish the exercises during the section). The teaching staff will grade pair-programming exercises for attendance and completeness, do not worry if you did not get them perfectly correct. Since you will be pair-programming with partners and with members of the teaching staff, these exercises are almost free points. Please complete the exercises!

Exercises performed during pair-programming sections should be put under version control similar to homework assignments (see Homework section below) but you must not branch off master or main and create a pull-request for it. Just add and commit your work on the master or main branch and push to your repo. The pair-programming exercises must adhere to the following directory structure:

Here is how a sample GitHub repo should look like:

Sample PPn Folders:

Sample Exercise Files:

Pair-Programming Workflow

In class we are focusing on command line tools for the development of software projects in computational science. It is important that you get familiar with a small selection of such tools and integrate them in your development process. The pair-programming sections aim at combining some of these tools together to provide you with hands-on experience while developing software. The key is the "pair" in pair-programming. The exchange of knowledge between team mates in these pair-programming sections is essential for learning said tools or learning something new you did not know before.

The pair-programming works by using a tool called tmate which is based on the tmux terminal multiplexer. It allows for easy sharing of a command line session or a specific instance of a program in read/write and read-only modes via ssh or web browsers. Check out this blog post if you like to read a bit more right now.

There is no X11-forwarding (forwarding of graphical output or GUI) in tmate which means that we will be having some fun in the command line. Text file editing will be performed in any text editor that supports a text-based user interface (TUI). Recommended choices are vim or emacs.

If you are mainly working on a Windows operating system, you should install the Windows Subsystem for Linux. A small guide for doing so can be found here.

Side note: tmate is not only great for pair-programming but it is also an excellent tool to start a debugging session if something does not work as expected. It is very easy and fast to start a shared terminal instance.

Required Pair-Programming Protocols

Now that you have learned about sharing terminal instances, it is time to understand how to do some pair-programming. The exercises in the pair-programming sections are necessarily collaborative. In fact, each member of the group will turn in the same script! How is this fair and how can this possibly work? Follow the structure below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File       :
# Created    : Sat Aug 07 2021 04:58:49 PM (-0400)
# Coder      : Alice
# Listener   : Bob
# Sharer     : Alice

echo 'Hello World'

### Main point of contention: whether to capitalize "W" in "world"


There are 7 homework assignments. The homework will be released on Tuesdays and due at 11:59 PM Boston time two weeks after they are released. Exceptions to this policy will be announced in class and can be seen on the Course Schedule. Specific instructions in each released assignment override these instructions.

Grading Scale

Homework will be graded on a 100 point scale:

Example Homework Workflow

The easiest way to understand the assignment workflow is by example. We provide an artificial scenario below, which you can use as a template for all homework assignments.

Note: Specific instructions provided in each homework assignment override the following instructions.
Note: The following workflow will count for 10 points of each homework assignment.

Suppose homework assignment 3 consists of 4 problems.

Homework Setup
Local Development
Pull Request

Once you have pushed your local development branch and commits to your remote repo, you should create a pull request (PR) to merge the changes in your development branch into your remote master or main branch.

There are two ways to accomplish a PR on GitHub:

  1. Through the browser on the Github website. You can create a PR to merge your changes from HW3-dev into master or main.
  2. Alternatively you can use the GitHub command line client to create pull requests from the command line. This method is helpful if you get distracted from the context switch that is associated with the first method.

  3. Please make sure any files you want us to grade are in the HW3-final/ directory.

You will lose 2 points if you do not create a PR.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT merge your PR into your master or main branch because we will be providing feedback on your homework through this PR. You will lose 3 points if you prematurely merge your PR and prevent us from properly providing feedback.

A remark on this workflow: This PR process through GitHub is not typically the way you would work on a project solely owned by you. This workflow is more typical of how you would work on a group project or at a company in which someone else will review your code before you can merge your code to the main upstream branch. We want you to become accustomed to this type of workflow. It is a good idea to always use separate development branches, Git is designed for cheap branching. You should not commit straight to your master or main branches until the changes have thoroughly been tested. For example, when you want to contribute to the source code of git itself, your contribution has to graduate through the following integration branches before it ends up in the master branch, which is then considered for the next release (in chronological order):

Such rigorous graduation of contributions ensures stability in software, yet it is still not always possible to avoid the infiltration of bugs. You may also want to read this contributing to a project topic in the git documentation.

Pull Request via Browser
  1. From the GitHub website of your course repo, click on the "Pull Requests" tab
  2. Create a new Pull Request
  3. Select your homework branch as the branch to compare to master or main
  4. Click "Create Pull Request" to create a pull request draft
  5. Now click "Create Pull Request" again on the draft page.
  6. You have now created a pull request. Please DO NOT merge this PR into your master or main upstream branch until you have received feedback from us.
Pull Request via Command-Line

Assume you are in your private GitHub repo and you have committed your work that you want to submit for HW3.

In the figure above, you started on the main branch with two previously completed homeworks HW1 and HW2. You then switched to the HW3-dev branch in order to start work on HW3. After you have completed work on this homework, you check the status and decide what should be added to the HW3/HW3-final sub-directory (in this case only was added). You then committed your work on the HW3-dev branch (hopefully more than just one insertion 😊). You are encouraged to push multiple small commits during the process of solving homeworks. In this example we only pushed one commit to the remote repository for brevity (the option -u tells git to track the current HW3-dev branch. You only want this option for the first commit on the HW3-dev branch, consecutive commits can then simply be pushed with git push without specifying the remote name origin and branch name explicitly).

You are now ready to submit the pull request by either following the link that git suggests to you (see browser based PR method above) or use the GitHub command line client and stay in the shell. The command you are looking for is gh pr create. You tell the GitHub client gh to create a pull request pr using the current branch. Be sure to check out the help entry for this command as well (gh help pr create).

The PR is submitted simply with gh pr create --base main --fill. Here --base main means that you want to merge the PR into your main (or master) branch. The --fill option is a shortcut to fill the subject and body of your PR using the latest commit information. If you omit it, your favorite editor will open up and you can fill in the subject and body for your PR to your own liking (checkout gh help pr create). You are done submitting your HW3 PR. (If you want to be explicit about who should review your PR, you could add the option --assignee cs107-sys-dev.)

Homework Feedback

The teaching staff will provide feedback on your homework through the GitHub pull request you make to merge your HWn-dev branch into your master or main branch. This will allow us to provide comments about certain lines of code you write.

Once we are done providing comments and grading, you need to merge your HW3-dev branch into master or main.

You will lose 3 points if you do not follow this instruction.

Homework Rules

Homework Late Policy

20 points will be deducted per day for late homework. Homework will not be accepted that is more than 2 days late.

For example, homework due on Thursday at 11:59 PM will no longer be accepted after Saturday at 11:59 PM.

Please contact me as soon as possible in the case of an unforeseen emergency or illness so we can figure out an appropriate plan of action on a case by case basis.

Homework Re-grade Policy

DO NOT ask a TF any re-grading questions until AFTER the HW grades have been released on Canvas.

Reasonable re-grading requests will be accepted up to 48 hours after the final grades are submitted. All re-grade requests must be sent to

with the subject line: HWn-Pms: Regrade request, <Your name>, where n is the assignment number, m is the problem, and s is the sub-problem (e.g. HW2-P2b). Please only send re-grade requests to this email. All other concerns should continue to be posted on Piazza.

Re-grade requests will only be accepted for a single problem (do not request regrading for an entire homework set). Note that a requested re-grade may cause your grade to go down since the entire problem will be reconsidered.


The course will be using Piazza as a forum for discussion about course topics and questions from lecture or about assignments. Participation on Piazza by asking and answering questions will be considered in your participation grade. Students are encouraged to answer each others questions. To facilitate this participation, the teaching staff will wait between 12 and 24 hours to respond to conceptual questions in the week that a homework assignment is assigned. In the week that a homework assignment is due and for questions relating to course policies or clarifications of assignment expectations, the teaching staff will try to respond more quickly.

A Note on Groups

You will be assigned a project group at the beginning of the semester. The group will have 3 or 4 members and we will try to assign it based on your timezone as well as your coding ability as determined by the course survey.