
Exercise: A.2 - Multi-collinearity vs Model Predictions


The goal of this exercise is to see how multi-collinearity can affect the predictions of a model.

For this, perform a multi-linear regression on the given dataset and compare the coefficients with those from simple linear regression of the individual predictors.


  • Read the dataset 'colinearity.csv' as a dataframe
  • For each of the predictor variable, create a linear regression model with the same response variable
  • Compute the coefficients for each model and store in a list.
  • Fit all predictors using a separate multi-linear regression object
  • Calculate the coefficients of each model
  • Compare the coefficients of the multi-linear regression model with those of the simple linear regression model.

DISCUSSION: Why do you think the coefficients change and what does it mean?


LinearRegression() : Returns a linear regression object from the sklearn library.

LinearRegression().coef_ : This attribute returns the coefficient(s) of the linear regression object

sklearn.fit() : Fit linear model

df.reshape() : Return a ndarray with the values in the specified shape

Note: This exercise is auto-graded and you can try multiple attempts.

In [2]:
# import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from pprint import pprint
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
# Read the file named "colinearity.csv"

df = pd.read_csv("colinearity.csv")
In [5]:
#Take a quick look at the dataset

x1 x2 x3 x4 y
0 -1.109823 -1.172554 -0.897949 -6.572526 -158.193913
1 0.288381 0.360526 2.298690 3.884887 198.312926
2 -1.059194 0.833067 0.285517 -1.225931 12.152087
3 0.226017 1.979367 0.744038 5.380823 190.281938
4 0.664165 -1.373739 0.317570 -0.437413 -72.681681

Creation of Linear Regression Objects

In [9]:
# Choose all the predictors as the variable 'X' (note capitalization of X for multiple features)

X = df.drop([___],axis=1)

# Choose the response variable 'y' for y values

y = df.___
In [13]:
### edTest(test_coeff) ###

# Here we create a dictionary that will store the Beta values of each linear regression model
linear_coef = []

for i in X:
    x = df[[___]]

    #Create a linear regression object
    linreg = ____

    #Fit it with training values. 
    #Remember to choose only one column at a time as the predictor variable
    # Add the coefficient value of the model to the list

Multi-Linear Regression using all variables

In [20]:
# Here you must do a multi-linear regression with all predictors

# use sklearn library to define a new model 'multi_linear'
multi_linear = ____

# Fit the multi-linear regression on all features and the response


# append the coefficients (plural) of the model to a variable multi_coef

multi_coef = multi_linear.coef_

Printing the individual $\beta$ values

In [24]:
# Run this command to see the beta values of the linear regression models

print('By simple(one variable) linear regression for each variable:', sep = '\n')

for i in range(4):
    pprint(f'Value of beta{i+1} = {linear_coef[i][0]:.2f}')
By simple(one variable) linear regression for each variable:
'Value of beta1 = 34.73'
'Value of beta2 = 68.63'
'Value of beta3 = 59.40'
'Value of beta4 = 20.92'
In [26]:
### edTest(test_multi_coeff) ###

#Now let's compare with the values from the multi-linear regression
print('By multi-Linear regression on all variables')
for i in range(4):
    pprint(f'Value of beta{i+1} = {round(multi_coef[i],2)}')
By multi-Linear regression on all variables
'Value of beta1 = -24.61'
'Value of beta2 = 27.72'
'Value of beta3 = 37.67'
'Value of beta4 = 19.27'

Why do you think the $\beta$ values are different in the two cases?

In [27]:
corrMatrix = df[['x1','x2','x3','x4']].corr() 
sns.heatmap(corrMatrix, annot=True) 