
Course Format

The course consists of a mixture of lectures, homework, and a final project. Lectures, lecture exercises, and most homework will be provided through Jupyter notebooks. Details on each course component can be found below. All course work will be hosted on your private GitHub repo.

Course Workflow

All of your work (except for the class project) will be hosted on your private GitHub repo named githubusername/cs107_<firstname>_<lastname>. (Please use all lowercase letters!)

It is critical that you set up a private repo (free for students) and give the teaching staff github account (cs107-sys-dev) access to your private course repo. There are two reasons for keeping this repo private. One is so that other students cannot see your work. The other reason is because the teaching staff will be providing comments and you may not want other students to see these.

Before arriving at each class, you should download the lecture to your local computer, copy it to your course repo, and push the changes to your remote course repo. Even though you will be able to see the lectures on the course website, this procedure will make sure you have an up-to-date personal course repo that accurately reflects the course content. This may be helpful for your future records.

Deliverables for this course will be submitted via Github (see below for exact instructions). Make sure you push all changes to your repo before each deadline. The teaching staff will check out your latest work, grade it, provide comments. We will be able to see if you've submitted your work on time or not.

Course Repository Structure

Your private Github repo should have the following structure:

Sample Github repo:

The class project will be done in groups of 3 to 4. You should create a GitHub organization with your group members and add the teaching staff to it. The organization will be called cs107-groupname and the project repo should be called project. The group is free to make other repos within the organization for experiments, but project is the one we will grade.

Project Repository Structure

Your project Github repo should look similar to the following:

Sample Github project repo:

A Note on Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are great for code prototyping and learning how to use new features and APIs. They are also wonderful for creating documentation and interactive reports and even delivering lectures. However, they should not be used for large software development projects! One reason for this is because code development in Jupyter notebooks represents a nonlinear development process. Another reason is that there is presently no good solution for version control of Jupyter notebooks.

Therefore, in this class you must turn in all homework in Python (.py) files (or .cpp files if you choose the C++ modules). You are also encouraged to do your main code development in a text editor or the interactive development environment (IDE) of your choice (e.g. Spyder). Homework assignments and lecture exercises turned in with Jupyter notebooks will not be graded.

A homework workflow is outlined in the Homework section.

Lecture Format

The lecture format for this course consists of a combination of synchronous and asynchronous approaches. The basic structure is as follows.

Live Lectures

Live lectures will be delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Live attendance at these lectures is optional although strongly encouraged. The live lectures will each take 75 minutes and will consist of a mixture of instructor content delivery (lecture) as well as interactive discussion sessions. These live lectures will be recorded and posted to Canvas after class. To encourage participation of students who cannot attend live lectures, the recorded lectures will consist of embedded "quizzes". These quizzes will not be graded, but will be important to test your comprehension before moving on to the next portion of the lecture. If you are unable to attend the live lecture, then you must watch it before attending the pair-programming sections.

Pair-coding Sections

Pair-coding will form an essential part of the course. Pair-coding will take place in mandatory pair-coding sections led by members of the teaching staff. A schedule for the pair-coding sections will be released in the first week of class. The sections will be offered at a variety of times to accommodate students in different time zones. The first pair-coding section of each week will take place on Thursday. You MUST attend at least one pair-coding section each week. You are free to attend any section that you desire in any given week. During these sections, you will work on coding exercises that will build upon the concepts covered in lecture. The exercises will be released to the course website on Thursday each week and solutions will be released one week after the final pair programming session for that cycle. For example, the exercises will be released on a Thursday and pair programming sections will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Monday. The pair programming exercises will be due one week from that Monday no matter when you attended the section. You must turn in your excercises (to your private Github repo) no later than one week after your pair-programming section. The teaching staff will grade exercises for completeness. Since you will be pair-programming with partners and with members of the teaching staff, these exercises are almost free points. Please complete the exercises! Don't worry if you didn't get them perfectly correct.

Exercises performed during pair-coding sections should be put under version control similarly to how homework assignments are versioned (see Homework section below). The pair-coding exercises must adhere to the following directory structure:

Sample PPn Folders:

Sample Exercise Files:

Pair-coding workflow

There are many pair-programming solutions available. Unfortunately, many of them require payment plans and/or only work with a specific IDE. One of the best solutions so far appears to be from Deepnote. We will use Deepnote this semester for all of your pair-programming excercises. You should sign up for an account right away (Join Sys-Dev Deepnote Team)!

Deepnote is really marketed for those using Jupyter notebooks. However, it also comes with a terminal so you can work from the command line. I request that you resist the temptation to work in notebooks. Remember, in this course, we are doing everything from the command line and writing all our code in text files (.py or .cpp as appropriate, and sometimes .sh.).

Required Deepnote Project Structure

Sample Deepnote Structure:

Share setting should look like this

Required Pair-Programming Protocols

Now that you have created a nice Deepnote project, it is time to understand how to do some pair-programming. The exerises in the pair-programming sections are necessarily collaborative. In fact, each member of the group will turn in the same script! How is this fair and how can this possibly work? Follow the structure below:

C++ Modules

For those interested, we will be offering C++ modules on selected topics. These lectures will be delivered immediately after the regular lecture period. The C++ schedule can be found in the figure below. C++ lectures will be announced in advance of their delivery so you can plan. They will be recorded and posted to the Canvas site along with the regular lectures. The content in these lectures is NOT mandatory. You can elect to study it or not. You may also choose to do your homework assignments in C++ or not. You can choose to do some homework assignments in C++ and others in Python. However, you must be uniform in your language choice throughout a given homework assignment. For example, if you choose to do HW2 in C++, then you must submit HW2 in its entirety in C++. Homework assignments completed in C++ will get an automatic +5 points to account for the enhanced difficulty. If you choose to do your project in C++, then your final project grade will be adjusted to reflect the additional difficulty / ambition. The figure below shows a basic course timeline with the optional C++ excursions.

C++ Modules

Dr. Andrew Kirby will deliver the C++ lectures. He will also be available for C++ help sessions.


There are 7 homework assignments. The homework will be released on Tuesdays and due at 11:59 PM Boston time two weeks after they are released. Exceptions to this policy will be announced in class and can be seen on the Course Schedule. Specific instructions in each released assignment override these instructions.

Grading Scale

Homework will be graded on a 100 point scale:

Homework Sessions

In an effort to foster community in this remote-learning environment, the teaching staff will offer special homework sessions. These sessions will not be office hours per se. Instead, they should be used by students to get to know each other, discuss the homework assignments, and help each other out. Homework assignments will usually contain a few discussion questions to help spur conversation on concepts from the homework. Members of the teaching staff will be present at these homework sessions to help organize participants and guide the discussions as necessary. The homework session schedule will be released in the first week of class.

Example Homework Workflow

The easiest way to understand the assignment workflow is by example. We provide an artificial scenario below, which you can use as a template for all homework assignments.

Note: Specific instructions provided in each homework assignment override the following instructions.
Note: The following workflow will count for 10 points of each homework assignment.

Suppose homework assignment 3 consists of 4 problems.

Homework Setup

Local Development

Pull Request

Homework Feedback:

Homework rules:

Late Policy

Twenty points will be deducted per day for late homework. Homework will not be accepted that is more than 2 days late. For example, homework due on Thursday at 11:59 PM will no longer be accepted after Saturday at 11:59 PM.

Please contact me as soon as possible in the case of an unforeseen emergency or illness so we can figure out an approprate plan of action on a case by case basis.

Regrade Policy

DO NOT ask a TF any re-grading questions until AFTER the HW grades have been released on Canvas.

Reasonable re-grading requests will be accepted up to 48 hours after the final grades are submitted. All re-grade requests must be sent to, with the subject line: HWn-Pms: Regrade request, <Your name>, where n is the assignment number, m is the problem, and s is the sub-problem (e.g. HW2-P2b). Please only send re-grade requests to this email. All other concerns should continue to be posted on Piazza.

Regrade requests will only be accepted for a single problem (do not request regrading for an entire homework set). Note that a requested regrade may cause your grade to go down since the entire problem will be reconsidered.


The course will be using Piazza as a forum for discussion about course topics and questions from lecture or about assignments. Participation on Piazza by asking and answering questions will be considered in your participation grade. Students are encouraged to answer each other's questions. To facilitate this participation, the teaching staff will wait between 12 and 24 hours to respond to conceptual questions in the week that a homework assignment is assigned. In the week that a homework assignment is due and for questions relating to course policies or clarifications of assignment expectations, the teaching staff will try to respond more quickly.

A Note on Groups

You will be assigned a project group at the beginning of the semester. The group will have 3 or 4 members and we will try to assign it based on your timezone as well as your coding ability as determined by the course survey.