To optimize your workshop experience, it is beneficial to have familiarity with mathematical notation for multidimensional objects such as vectors, matrices, and tensors. While a deep understanding of linear algebra is not required, having a grasp of how vectors represent direction and magnitude, as well as basic operations involving vectors and matrices, will be advantageous.

Knowing where to begin is crucial in reaching your destination, and we are here to assist you in planning those initial steps and maximizing your Bedrock data science experience.

Although Bedrock assumes minimal programming knowledge and will cover fundamental concepts like variables, operators, and functions, you can enhance your understanding of the series by briefly reviewing the topics listed below.

Vectors, Matrics, and Tensors

  • “Vectors: Essence of Linear Algebra” by 3Blue1Brown (YouTube)
  • “So… What actually is a Matrix?: Data Science Basics” by ritvikmath (YouTube)
  • “Matrix Operations” by patrickJMT (YouTube)
  • “What’s a Tensor?” by Dan Fleisch (YouTube)

Mathematical Notation

Appreciating many of the examples presented in this series will require familiarity with sigma notation and subscripting of variables. You can brush up on the basics and then use the practice examples from MIT OpenCourseWare to test your skills.

  • “Subscripts in Mathematics” by Always Learning (YouTube)
  • “Sigma Notation Introduction” by Kirk Taylor (YouTube)
  • “Summation Notation Practice” by MIT OpenCourseWare (YouTube)


During the final days of the series we’ll be using some calculus. The concept of a derivative will be reintroduced and briefly defined, and you’ll then be using a few basic calculus rules (and vector/matrix operations described earlier) to optimize your machine learning model. Reviewing the idea of a derivative and some basic derivative rules might help reduce math anxiety (and give you a leg up on working on your models).

  • Derivatives: “Newton, Leibniz, and Usain Bolt: Defining average and instantaneous rates of change at a point” by Khan Academy (Khan Academy)
  • “Definition of the derivative” by The Organic Chemistry Tutor (YouTube)
  • Know the Rules: Basic Derivative Rules Review
    • “Basic Differentiation Formulas for Calculus 1” by The Math Sorcerer (YouTube)
    • “Differentiation Rules: Power/Product/Quotient/Chain” by MathReview101 (YouTube)
    • “Basic Differentiation Rules for Derivatives” by The Organic Chemistry Tutor (YouTube)
    • “Power Rule: Applying the Power Rule” by Khan Academy (Khan Academy)
    • “The Power Rule for Derivatives” by The Organic Chemistry Tutor (YouTube)
    • “The Chain Rule: Introduction” by Khan Academy (Khan Academy)
  • With “The Essence of Calculus” playlist by 3Blue1Brown on YouTube, you can develop your intuition of the underpinnings and applications of calculus! While this material is not essential, it will help you to develop a strong understanding of the methods and uses of calculus, and serve as an important part of taking your experience with BEDROCK DATA SCIENCE into the next stage of your journey!