Schedule and Calendar

Overall schedule can be found here and calendar here.

Week 1 - Introduction, Virtual Environments, Virtual Machines

Sep 03
Lecture 1 ,   Setup & Installation
Sep 05
Virtual Enviroments and Virtual Machines
Lecture 2

Week 2 - Containers

Sep 10
Containers I
Lecture 3
Sep 12
Containers II
Lecture 4  

Week 3 - Data Pipelines

Sep 17
Data Pipelines/ Data Management: Extract, Transform, Data Version
Lecture 5
Sep 19
Data Labeling, Data Versioning
Lecture 6

M1 due 09/20

Week 4 - LLM Tools and Agents

Sep 24
LLM tools and agents 1: LangChain, LlamaIndex, API calls, RAG, AI agents
Lecture 7
Sep 26
LLM tools and agents 2: LangChain, LamaIndex, API calls, RAG, AI agents
Lecture 8

HW 1 due 09/27

Week 5 - Data, Advanced training workflows

Oct 1
Model Optimization: Distillation, Quantization, Compression, and LORA
Lecture 9
Oct 3
LLM fine tuning and LORA
Lecture 10

Week 6 - Project Week

Oct 8
Oct 10

Week 7 - Advanced Training Workflows

Oct 15
Advanced training workflows: experiment tracking (W&B), multi GPU, serverless training (Vertex AI), LLM fine tuning
Lecture 11
Oct 17
Model Deployment: Hosting, APIs, and Serving LLMs
Lecture 12

M2 due 10/18

Week 8 - Guest Lecture,Model Deployment, Performance Monitoring

Oct 22
Model performance monitoring, data drift, or other post release items
Lecture 13
Oct 24
Modal Labs - Guest Lecture
Lecture 14

Week 9 - Midterm, Cloud Functions, Vertex AI Pipelines

Oct 29
Testing, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, Kubeflow, Vertex AI Pipelines
Lecture 15
Oct 31
Midterm (M3) Presentations
M3 due 10/31

Week 10 - Github Actions, App Development

Nov 5
Automating Software Development: CI/CD with GitHub Actions and other tools
Lecture 16
Nov 7
App design, setup and code organization
Lecture 17

HW2 due 11/08

Week 11 - APIs & Frontend, Ansible

Nov 12
APIs & Frontend (Optional: Frontend - React - To be Scheduled on Zoom)
Lecture 18
Nov 14
Deployment: Ansible
Lecture 19

M4 due 11/15

Week 12 - Scaling Kubernetes, CI CD

Nov 19
Scaling: Kubernetes
Lecture 20
Nov 21
Final: CI/CD releases
Lecture 21

Week 13 - Thanksgiving

Nov 26
Thanksgiving Week
Nov 28
Thanksgiving Week

Week 14 - Projects

Dec 3

HW3 due 12/02

Week 15 - Projects

Dec 11
Project Deliverables Due

M 5 due 12/11

Setup & Installation

Refer to the setup and installation document for a full list of softwares and tools we will be using in this class

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