Milestone 4 (hybrid and electric): Development, Deployment, and Scaling of Application

Milestone 5 emphasizes the final stages of the project, focusing on the development and deployment of a user-facing application that ties together the various components built in previous milestones. From designing an intuitive user interface to implementing scalable solutions with Kubernetes, this milestone ensures that the project is not only functional but also ready for real-world usage.

Key dates:

  • Due date: Nov 14th


  • App Design, Setup, and Code Organization: Design the overall architecture of the application, including its user interface, functionality, and underlying code structure. Focus on intuitive design and clean code organization to ensure maintainability and efficiency.

  • APIs & Frontend Integration: Develop robust APIs that facilitate communication between the front end and back end of the application. Implement a responsive and user-friendly front-end interface that leverages these APIs to create a seamless user experience.

  • Deployment Strategy: Define and implement a comprehensive deployment strategy that ensures the application is readily available to end users. This includes setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and considering factors like security, performance, and reliability.


  • Application Design Document: A detailed design document outlining the application’s architecture, user interface, and code organization principles. The design should include the following
    • Solution Architecture
    • Technical Architecture
  • APIs & Frontend Implementation: Working code for the APIs and front-end interface, complete with documentation and testing to verify proper functionality. The following should be included
    • Github repo with all you code
    • Readme file describing all the components of your application