
Project Milestones - Overview

MilestonesBrief DescriptionDue DateGrade %
MS1Project Proposals, Team formation - Students submit project proposals and form teams. Staff reviews proposals and return feedback and project approvals by 09/19.09/145
MS2MLOps Infrastructure & Advanced Training Workflows - Building atomic containers, versioned data pipelines, and scalable computing solutions.09/2610
MS3Scalable and Moduler Computing Infrastructure - Extending advanced training workflows with Tensorflow, experiment tracking, multi-GPU training and serverless training.10/0515
MS4Midterm Presentation - Presenting a fully functional CLI-based mega pipeline application with model optimization, performance monitoring, and severless inference.10/2425
MS5Full-Stack Development - Design a user-friendly frontend developed around working API calls and design documents.11/2010
MS6Final Presentation and Deliverables - Students will finish by working through deployment and scaling, documenting the project through a published Medium post, a 6-minute video presentation, and a well-organized GitHub repository.12/1235

Guidelines, submission instruction for milestones (and medium page) for future project events will be posted as they approach.

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