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Bayesian Example Notebook

Description :

This notebook provides example code based on the lecture material.

If you wish to run or edit the notebook, we recommend downloading it and running it either on your local machine or on JupyterHub.

In [2]:
import pymc3 as pm
In [1]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as st
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [3]:
n_theta = 10000

# generate 10,000 values from Beta(2,5)
theta = np.random.beta(2,5,n_theta)
print("First five  values of theta:\n\t", theta[0:5])
print("Sample mean:\n\t", np.mean(theta))
print("The 2.5% and 97.5% of quantiles:\n\t", np.percentile(theta,[2.5,97.5]))
First five  values of theta:
	 [0.09380107 0.09315237 0.43342451 0.40271348 0.1825154 ]
Sample mean:
The 2.5% and 97.5% of quantiles:
	 [0.04172583 0.63937365]
In [4]:
plt.xlabel("Value of Theta")
In [5]:
# simulate y from posterior predictive distribution
y = np.random.binomial(1, theta, n_theta) # generate a heads/tails value from each of the 10,000 thetas

print("First 5 heads/tails values (tails=0, heads=1)\n\t", y[0:10])
print("Overall frequency of Tails and Heads, accounting for uncertainty about theta itself\n\t", np.bincount(y)/10000)

plt.hist(y, density=True)
First 5 heads/tails values (tails=0, heads=1)
	 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
Overall frequency of Tails and Heads, accounting for uncertainty about theta itself
	 [0.7163 0.2837]

Rejection sampling and Weighted bootstrap

Example adapted from

In [2]:

def h(x):
    return st.norm.pdf(x, loc=30, scale=10) + st.norm.pdf(x, loc=80, scale=20)

def g(x):
    return st.norm.pdf(x, loc=50, scale=30)

x = np.arange(-50, 151)
M = max(h(x) / g(x))  # for rejection sampling

h is a mixture of two normal distributions (unnormalized), and density h is a normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation 30.

In [17]:
plt.plot(x, h(x))
In [18]:
# Superimpose h and g on same plot
In [19]:
# Superimpose h and M*g on same plot - now M*g envelopes h
In [5]:
def rejection_sampling(maxiter=10000,sampsize=1000):
    samples = []
    sampcount = 0  # counter for accepted samples
    maxcount = 0   # counter for proposal simulation
    # sampcount/maxcount at any point in the iteration is the acceptance rate

    while (sampcount < sampsize and maxcount < maxiter):
        z = np.random.normal(50, 30)
        u = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        maxcount += 1

        if u <= h(z)/(M*g(z)):
            sampcount += 1

    print('Rejection rate is',100*(1-sampcount/maxcount))
    if maxcount == maxiter: print('Maximum iterations achieved')
    return np.array(samples)

s = rejection_sampling(maxiter=10000,sampsize=1000)
Rejection rate is 49.54591321897074
In [25]:
# weighted bootstrap computation involving h and g
import random

def weighted_bootstrap(iter=1000,size=100):
    w = []
    y = []

    for i in range(iter):
        z = np.random.normal(50, 30)
        wz = h(z)/g(z)

    v = random.choices(y,weights=w,k=size) # do not need to renormalize w
    return np.array(v)

wb = weighted_bootstrap(iter=10000,size=1000)


In [5]:
beetles_x = np.array([1.6907, 1.7242, 1.7552, 1.7842, 1.8113, 1.8369, 1.8610, 1.8839])
beetles_x_mean = beetles_x - np.mean(beetles_x)
beetles_n = np.array([59, 60, 62, 56, 63, 59, 62, 60])
beetles_y = np.array([6, 13, 18, 28, 52, 53, 61, 60])
beetles_N = np.array([8]*8)
In [6]:
from scipy.special import expit
In [7]:
with pm.Model() as beetle_model:
    # The intercept (log probability of beetles dying when dose=0)
    # is centered at zero, and wide-ranging (easily anywhere from 0 to 100%)
    # If we wanted, we could choose something like Normal(-3,2) for a no-dose
    # death rate roughly between .007 and .25
    alpha_star = pm.Normal('alpha*', mu=0, sigma=100)
    # the effect on the log-odds of each unit of the dose is wide-ranging:
    # we're saying we've got little idea what the effect will be, and it could
    # be strongly negative.
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sigma=100)

    # given alpha, beta, and the dosage, the probability of death is deterministic:
    # it's the inverse logit of the intercept+slope*dosage
    # Because beetles_x has 8 entries, we end up with 8 p_i values
    p_i = pm.Deterministic('$P_i$', pm.math.invlogit(alpha_star + beta*beetles_x_mean))

    # finally, the number of bettles we see killed is Binomial(n=number of beetles, p=probability of death)
    deaths = pm.Binomial('obs_deaths', n=beetles_n, p=p_i, observed=beetles_y)

    trace = pm.sample(2000, tune=2000, target_accept=0.9)
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [beta, alpha*]
Sampling 2 chains, 0 divergences: 100%|██████████| 8000/8000 [00:03<00:00, 2500.25draws/s]
In [8]:
pm.traceplot(trace, compact=False);
In [9]:
def trace_summary(trace, var_names=None):
    if var_names is None:
        var_names = trace.varnames

    quants = [0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975]
    colnames = ['mean', 'sd', *["{}%".format(x*100) for x in quants]]
    rownames = []

    series = []
    for cur_var in var_names:
        var_trace = trace[cur_var]
        if var_trace.ndim == 1:
            vals = [np.mean(var_trace, axis=0), np.std(var_trace, axis=0), *np.quantile(var_trace, quants, axis=0)]
            series.append(pd.Series(vals, colnames))
            for i in range(var_trace.shape[1]):
                cur_col = var_trace[:,i]
                vals = [np.mean(cur_col, axis=0), np.std(cur_col, axis=0), *np.quantile(cur_col, quants, axis=0)]
                series.append(pd.Series(vals, colnames))

    return pd.DataFrame(series, index=rownames)

mean sd 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
alpha* 0.751390 0.141753 0.478711 0.652996 0.748475 0.846896 1.033710
beta 34.616909 2.931295 28.936764 32.611365 34.572128 36.488580 40.633339
$P_i$[0] 0.059134 0.016350 0.032743 0.047590 0.057312 0.068486 0.096447
$P_i$[1] 0.163829 0.028815 0.112463 0.143730 0.161691 0.182162 0.224477
$P_i$[2] 0.361563 0.035229 0.294835 0.337852 0.360971 0.384664 0.430386
$P_i$[3] 0.605892 0.032435 0.541279 0.583828 0.605457 0.627823 0.668789
$P_i$[4] 0.796114 0.026486 0.742425 0.778172 0.796806 0.814523 0.846053
$P_i$[5] 0.903587 0.018611 0.863879 0.891767 0.904673 0.917122 0.936220
$P_i$[6] 0.955078 0.011669 0.929487 0.947880 0.956265 0.963560 0.974797
$P_i$[7] 0.978768 0.006921 0.962938 0.974709 0.979674 0.983812 0.989860

We can also plot the density each chain explored. Any major deviations between chains are signs of difficulty converging.

In [10]:
for x in trace.varnames:
    pm.plot_forest(trace, var_names=[x], combined=True)

In addition to the above summaries of the distribution, pymc3 has statistics intended to summarize the quality of the samples. The most common of these is r_hat, which measures whether the different chains seem to be exploring the same space or if they're stuck in different spaces. R-hat above 1.3 is a strong sign the sample isn't good yet. Values close to 1 are ideal.

In [11]:
mean sd hpd_3% hpd_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_mean ess_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
alpha* 0.751 0.142 0.503 1.035 0.003 0.002 2665.0 2665.0 2665.0 2345.0 1.0
beta 34.617 2.932 29.249 40.277 0.058 0.041 2574.0 2550.0 2591.0 2500.0 1.0
$P_i$[0] 0.059 0.016 0.032 0.090 0.000 0.000 3302.0 3211.0 3261.0 2703.0 1.0
$P_i$[1] 0.164 0.029 0.112 0.220 0.000 0.000 3520.0 3502.0 3495.0 2802.0 1.0
$P_i$[2] 0.362 0.035 0.298 0.427 0.001 0.000 3612.0 3612.0 3596.0 2665.0 1.0
$P_i$[3] 0.606 0.032 0.542 0.664 0.001 0.000 2917.0 2917.0 2924.0 2393.0 1.0
$P_i$[4] 0.796 0.026 0.745 0.844 0.001 0.000 2369.0 2369.0 2367.0 2337.0 1.0
$P_i$[5] 0.904 0.019 0.868 0.937 0.000 0.000 2253.0 2253.0 2254.0 2097.0 1.0
$P_i$[6] 0.955 0.012 0.933 0.975 0.000 0.000 2262.0 2262.0 2255.0 2012.0 1.0
$P_i$[7] 0.979 0.007 0.966 0.991 0.000 0.000 2294.0 2294.0 2281.0 2258.0 1.0

Sleep Study

In [14]:
import pandas as pd
sleepstudy = pd.read_csv("sleepstudy.csv")
In [15]:
Reaction Days Subject
0 249.5600 0 308
1 258.7047 1 308
2 250.8006 2 308
3 321.4398 3 308
4 356.8519 4 308
5 414.6901 5 308
6 382.2038 6 308
7 290.1486 7 308
8 430.5853 8 308
9 466.3535 9 308
10 222.7339 0 309
11 205.2658 1 309
12 202.9778 2 309
13 204.7070 3 309
14 207.7161 4 309
15 215.9618 5 309
16 213.6303 6 309
17 217.7272 7 309
18 224.2957 8 309
19 237.3142 9 309
20 199.0539 0 310
21 194.3322 1 310
22 234.3200 2 310
23 232.8416 3 310
24 229.3074 4 310
25 220.4579 5 310
26 235.4208 6 310
27 255.7511 7 310
28 261.0125 8 310
29 247.5153 9 310
... ... ... ...
150 225.2640 0 370
151 234.5235 1 370
152 238.9008 2 370
153 240.4730 3 370
154 267.5373 4 370
155 344.1937 5 370
156 281.1481 6 370
157 347.5855 7 370
158 365.1630 8 370
159 372.2288 9 370
160 269.8804 0 371
161 272.4428 1 371
162 277.8989 2 371
163 281.7895 3 371
164 279.1705 4 371
165 284.5120 5 371
166 259.2658 6 371
167 304.6306 7 371
168 350.7807 8 371
169 369.4692 9 371
170 269.4117 0 372
171 273.4740 1 372
172 297.5968 2 372
173 310.6316 3 372
174 287.1726 4 372
175 329.6076 5 372
176 334.4818 6 372
177 343.2199 7 372
178 369.1417 8 372
179 364.1236 9 372

180 rows × 3 columns

In [16]:
# adding a column that numbers the subjects from 0 to n
raw_ids = np.unique(sleepstudy['Subject'])
raw2newid = {x:np.where(raw_ids == x)[0][0] for x in raw_ids}

sleepstudy['SeqSubject'] = sleepstudy['Subject'].map(raw2newid)
Reaction Days Subject SeqSubject
0 249.5600 0 308 0
1 258.7047 1 308 0
2 250.8006 2 308 0
3 321.4398 3 308 0
4 356.8519 4 308 0
5 414.6901 5 308 0
6 382.2038 6 308 0
7 290.1486 7 308 0
8 430.5853 8 308 0
9 466.3535 9 308 0
10 222.7339 0 309 1
11 205.2658 1 309 1
12 202.9778 2 309 1
13 204.7070 3 309 1
14 207.7161 4 309 1
15 215.9618 5 309 1
16 213.6303 6 309 1
17 217.7272 7 309 1
18 224.2957 8 309 1
19 237.3142 9 309 1
20 199.0539 0 310 2
21 194.3322 1 310 2
22 234.3200 2 310 2
23 232.8416 3 310 2
24 229.3074 4 310 2
25 220.4579 5 310 2
26 235.4208 6 310 2
27 255.7511 7 310 2
28 261.0125 8 310 2
29 247.5153 9 310 2
... ... ... ... ...
150 225.2640 0 370 15
151 234.5235 1 370 15
152 238.9008 2 370 15
153 240.4730 3 370 15
154 267.5373 4 370 15
155 344.1937 5 370 15
156 281.1481 6 370 15
157 347.5855 7 370 15
158 365.1630 8 370 15
159 372.2288 9 370 15
160 269.8804 0 371 16
161 272.4428 1 371 16
162 277.8989 2 371 16
163 281.7895 3 371 16
164 279.1705 4 371 16
165 284.5120 5 371 16
166 259.2658 6 371 16
167 304.6306 7 371 16
168 350.7807 8 371 16
169 369.4692 9 371 16
170 269.4117 0 372 17
171 273.4740 1 372 17
172 297.5968 2 372 17
173 310.6316 3 372 17
174 287.1726 4 372 17
175 329.6076 5 372 17
176 334.4818 6 372 17
177 343.2199 7 372 17
178 369.1417 8 372 17
179 364.1236 9 372 17

180 rows × 4 columns

In [17]:
with pm.Model() as sleep_model:

    # In this model, we're going to say the alphas (individuals' intercepts; their starting reaction time)
    # and betas (individuals' slopes; how much worse they get with lack of sleep) are normally distributed.
    # We'll specify that we're certain about the mean of those distribution [more on that later], but admit
    # we're uncertain about how much spread there is (i.e. uncertain about the SD). Tau_alpha and Tau_beta 
    # will be the respective SD.
    # Of course, the SDs must be positive (negative SD isn't mathematically possible), so we draw them from
    # a Gamma, which cannot ever output negative numbers. Here, we use alpha and beta values that spread the
    # distribution: "the SD could be anything!". If we had more intuition (e.g. "the starting reaction times can't
    # have SD above 3,000") we would plot Gamma(a,b) and tune the parameters so that there was little mass
    # above 3,000, then use those values below)
    tau_alpha = pm.Gamma('tau_alpha', alpha=.001, beta=.001)
    tau_beta = pm.Gamma('tau_beta', alpha=.001, beta=.001)

    # Across the population of people, we suppose that
    # the slopes are normally distributed, as are the intercepts,
    # and the two are drawn independently
    # (Here, we hard-code assumed means, but we don't have to.
    # In general, these should be set from our pre-data intuition,
    # rather than from plots/exploration of the data)
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=300, tau=tau_alpha, shape=len(raw_ids))
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=10, tau=tau_beta, shape=len(raw_ids))

    # Remember: there's only one alpha/beta per person, but
    # we have lots of observations per person. The below
    # builds a vector with one entry per observation, recording
    # the alpha/beta we want to use with that observation.
    # That is, the length is 180, but it only has 17 unique values,
    # matching the 17 unique patients' personal slopes or intercepts
    intercepts = alpha[sleepstudy['SeqSubject']]
    slopes = beta[sleepstudy['SeqSubject']]

    # now we have the true/predicted response time for each observation (each row of original data)
    # (Here we use pm.Deterministic to signal that this is something we'll care about)
    mu_i = pm.Deterministic('mu_i', intercepts + slopes*sleepstudy['Days'])

    # The _observed_ values are noisy versions of the hidden true values, however! 
    # Specifically, we model them as a normal at the true value and single unknown variance
    # (one explanation: we're saying the measurement equipment adds normally-distributed noise tau_obs
    # so noise doesn't vary from observation to observation or person to person: there's just one universal
    # noise level)
    tau_obs = pm.Gamma('tau_obs', 0.001, 0.001)
    obs = pm.Normal('observed', mu=mu_i, tau=tau_obs, observed=sleepstudy['Reaction'])

    trace = pm.sample(2000, tune=2000, target_accept=0.9)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/tensor/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  rval = inputs[0].__getitem__(inputs[1:])
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/tensor/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  rval = inputs[0].__getitem__(inputs[1:])
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [tau_obs, beta, alpha, tau_beta, tau_alpha]
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/tensor/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  rval = inputs[0].__getitem__(inputs[1:])
Sampling 2 chains, 0 divergences: 100%|██████████| 8000/8000 [00:31<00:00, 253.43draws/s]
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/tensor/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  rval = inputs[0].__getitem__(inputs[1:])
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/tensor/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  rval = inputs[0].__getitem__(inputs[1:])
In [18]:
# this command can take a few minutes to finish... or never :-/
In [19]:
trace_summary(trace, var_names=['tau_alpha', 'tau_beta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'tau_obs'])
mean sd 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
tau_alpha 0.000351 0.000126 0.000157 0.000258 0.000335 0.000424 0.000636
tau_beta 0.032879 0.014897 0.012892 0.022287 0.030065 0.039815 0.070586
alpha[0] 257.610159 14.276656 230.115045 247.875540 257.918984 267.516111 284.538994
alpha[1] 204.767474 14.186468 176.932727 194.945433 204.590902 214.482879 233.084446
alpha[2] 206.308667 13.936264 179.203795 196.948602 206.214474 215.736714 233.825074
alpha[3] 284.217173 13.812208 257.704908 275.015790 284.269294 293.375280 312.064149
alpha[4] 282.553242 13.794822 255.756413 272.742095 282.844921 292.141532 309.047249
alpha[5] 266.389315 13.301735 240.061457 257.526522 266.321948 275.317963 292.045105
alpha[6] 275.756079 13.898037 249.559137 266.256139 275.445158 285.073414 302.814478
alpha[7] 245.947350 13.812559 220.028833 236.301384 245.823140 255.208295 273.564540
alpha[8] 254.546107 14.107783 226.722294 244.874362 254.873410 264.339746 282.056730
alpha[9] 298.360781 13.877619 270.250737 289.090439 298.492528 307.424551 326.031047
alpha[10] 223.806270 13.688663 197.522834 214.846560 223.526668 233.104416 251.253458
alpha[11] 238.477493 13.881598 211.236122 229.199742 238.468575 247.921632 265.016599
alpha[12] 260.528639 13.862791 233.029493 250.978244 260.487759 270.120198 287.657004
alpha[13] 280.915228 13.621030 254.200772 271.707665 280.972223 290.439985 307.043620
alpha[14] 258.965037 13.841049 231.507900 249.678285 259.082006 268.228741 286.604578
alpha[15] 223.087924 13.632430 196.058643 214.076329 222.919884 232.662976 249.742013
alpha[16] 255.924069 13.591729 229.473078 246.796792 256.075080 265.065273 283.011312
alpha[17] 270.164065 13.323427 244.310881 261.067455 270.192393 279.027785 295.950650
beta[0] 18.997266 2.667786 14.014857 17.184207 18.913597 20.853035 24.286721
beta[1] 2.823013 2.581428 -2.371087 1.095152 2.853109 4.531844 7.863045
beta[2] 5.992810 2.524769 1.110905 4.286558 5.978541 7.658774 11.105639
beta[3] 4.326279 2.577575 -0.882860 2.640365 4.382466 6.056187 9.304027
beta[4] 6.016240 2.516203 1.092221 4.289339 6.051726 7.736804 10.856854
beta[5] 9.272482 2.431098 4.494618 7.593650 9.286661 10.909383 14.127629
beta[6] 9.060972 2.527984 4.093397 7.408408 9.117599 10.778553 13.914114
beta[7] 11.260951 2.483213 6.417567 9.595526 11.263871 12.920773 16.121563
beta[8] -0.747060 2.643854 -5.964781 -2.518308 -0.764329 1.066817 4.372805
beta[9] 17.169261 2.543533 12.175148 15.435345 17.175887 18.827482 22.325273
beta[10] 11.977814 2.477412 7.032425 10.387415 11.944083 13.620032 16.861610
beta[11] 16.996413 2.565449 11.919296 15.317595 16.977097 18.726924 21.886162
beta[12] 6.762851 2.528101 1.847453 5.017565 6.796922 8.480314 11.720424
beta[13] 12.658657 2.507393 7.745680 10.970936 12.652850 14.359067 17.652091
beta[14] 10.677100 2.512257 5.819120 8.993925 10.666675 12.367837 15.621083
beta[15] 15.618545 2.486056 10.715424 13.966950 15.604372 17.301670 20.496553
beta[16] 8.895759 2.499516 4.066615 7.166113 8.935806 10.606355 13.760942
beta[17] 10.718514 2.472771 6.009184 9.051166 10.653531 12.396039 15.576719
tau_obs 0.001516 0.000182 0.001182 0.001389 0.001510 0.001633 0.001894
In [20]:
pm.summary(trace, var_names=['tau_alpha', 'tau_beta', 'alpha', 'beta', 'tau_obs'])
mean sd hpd_3% hpd_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_mean ess_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
tau_alpha 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 4962.0 4841.0 4570.0 2616.0 1.0
tau_beta 0.033 0.015 0.010 0.060 0.000 0.000 3944.0 3156.0 4351.0 3222.0 1.0
alpha[0] 257.610 14.278 230.512 282.679 0.191 0.135 5581.0 5581.0 5596.0 3088.0 1.0
alpha[1] 204.767 14.188 179.835 233.325 0.195 0.138 5302.0 5261.0 5327.0 3152.0 1.0
alpha[2] 206.309 13.938 179.206 231.732 0.187 0.132 5577.0 5571.0 5577.0 2851.0 1.0
alpha[3] 284.217 13.814 257.316 308.996 0.182 0.129 5783.0 5720.0 5783.0 2953.0 1.0
alpha[4] 282.553 13.797 257.089 307.915 0.175 0.124 6195.0 6195.0 6239.0 3133.0 1.0
alpha[5] 266.389 13.303 240.627 290.772 0.173 0.124 5898.0 5779.0 5944.0 2723.0 1.0
alpha[6] 275.756 13.900 249.832 300.624 0.176 0.126 6220.0 6114.0 6217.0 2664.0 1.0
alpha[7] 245.947 13.814 220.274 271.449 0.178 0.127 6015.0 5932.0 6058.0 2878.0 1.0
alpha[8] 254.546 14.110 227.740 280.716 0.191 0.135 5450.0 5450.0 5466.0 3309.0 1.0
alpha[9] 298.361 13.879 271.794 324.844 0.185 0.131 5641.0 5625.0 5631.0 3109.0 1.0
alpha[10] 223.806 13.690 197.589 248.781 0.175 0.125 6094.0 6020.0 6064.0 2923.0 1.0
alpha[11] 238.477 13.883 211.667 263.119 0.196 0.138 5040.0 5040.0 5055.0 3124.0 1.0
alpha[12] 260.529 13.865 235.832 287.952 0.179 0.126 6022.0 6022.0 6068.0 3259.0 1.0
alpha[13] 280.915 13.623 256.622 307.060 0.183 0.130 5513.0 5513.0 5480.0 2825.0 1.0
alpha[14] 258.965 13.843 232.875 285.499 0.185 0.131 5625.0 5625.0 5623.0 2764.0 1.0
alpha[15] 223.088 13.634 197.461 248.683 0.181 0.129 5659.0 5598.0 5637.0 3231.0 1.0
alpha[16] 255.924 13.593 230.817 281.683 0.176 0.125 5976.0 5891.0 5980.0 2759.0 1.0
alpha[17] 270.164 13.325 244.756 294.399 0.178 0.126 5633.0 5590.0 5645.0 2749.0 1.0
beta[0] 18.997 2.668 13.982 23.852 0.036 0.026 5595.0 5175.0 5684.0 3344.0 1.0
beta[1] 2.823 2.582 -2.183 7.532 0.033 0.030 6111.0 3708.0 6140.0 3367.0 1.0
beta[2] 5.993 2.525 1.093 10.622 0.034 0.027 5590.0 4462.0 5608.0 2575.0 1.0
beta[3] 4.326 2.578 -0.702 8.992 0.033 0.026 6240.0 4928.0 6247.0 3475.0 1.0
beta[4] 6.016 2.517 1.073 10.390 0.032 0.025 6178.0 5272.0 6200.0 3556.0 1.0
beta[5] 9.272 2.431 4.532 13.651 0.031 0.023 6113.0 5811.0 6079.0 2772.0 1.0
beta[6] 9.061 2.528 4.399 13.781 0.034 0.024 5466.0 5381.0 5492.0 2641.0 1.0
beta[7] 11.261 2.484 6.418 15.734 0.031 0.023 6249.0 5859.0 6261.0 2674.0 1.0
beta[8] -0.747 2.644 -5.870 4.064 0.035 0.039 5739.0 2324.0 5742.0 3485.0 1.0
beta[9] 17.169 2.544 12.072 21.622 0.033 0.024 5777.0 5747.0 5756.0 3323.0 1.0
beta[10] 11.978 2.478 7.613 16.990 0.032 0.024 5958.0 5431.0 5926.0 3021.0 1.0
beta[11] 16.996 2.566 11.788 21.388 0.035 0.025 5231.0 5069.0 5225.0 3268.0 1.0
beta[12] 6.763 2.528 1.527 11.016 0.035 0.026 5249.0 4626.0 5262.0 3325.0 1.0
beta[13] 12.659 2.508 7.613 17.073 0.033 0.024 5949.0 5483.0 5930.0 3211.0 1.0
beta[14] 10.677 2.513 5.861 15.251 0.035 0.026 5177.0 4781.0 5174.0 2931.0 1.0
beta[15] 15.619 2.486 10.922 20.275 0.035 0.025 5053.0 4965.0 5061.0 3350.0 1.0
beta[16] 8.896 2.500 4.289 13.568 0.034 0.024 5396.0 5396.0 5383.0 2782.0 1.0
beta[17] 10.719 2.473 6.254 15.402 0.033 0.024 5777.0 5384.0 5805.0 3029.0 1.0
tau_obs 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.000 3644.0 3601.0 3640.0 3035.0 1.0
In [21]:
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import gridspec

ymin,ymax = np.min(sleepstudy["Reaction"]),np.max(sleepstudy["Reaction"])
gs  = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 6)
gs.update(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)
for i, subj in enumerate(np.unique(sleepstudy['Subject'])):
    ss_extract = sleepstudy.loc[sleepstudy['Subject']==subj]
    ss_extract_ols = sm.ols(formula="Reaction~Days",data=ss_extract).fit()
    #new subplot
    subplt = plt.subplot(gs[i])
    #plot without confidence intervals
    sns.regplot(x='Days', y='Reaction', ci=None, data=ss_extract).set_title('Subject '+str(subj))
    if i not in [0,6,12]:

_ = plt.figlegend(['Estimated from each subject alone'],loc = 'lower center', ncol=6)
_ =
In [22]:
for i, subj in enumerate(np.unique(sleepstudy['Subject'])):
    ss_extract = sleepstudy.loc[sleepstudy['Subject']==subj]
    #new subplot
    subplt = plt.subplot(gs[i])
    #plot without confidence intervals
    sns.regplot(x='Days', y='Reaction', ci=None, data=ss_extract).set_title('Subject '+str(subj))
    sns.regplot(x='Days', y='Reaction', ci=None, scatter=False, data=sleepstudy)
    if i not in [0,6,12]:

_ = plt.figlegend(['Estimated from each subject alone','Pooling all subjects'],loc = 'lower center', ncol=6)
_ =
In [23]:
subj_arr = np.unique(sleepstudy['Subject'])
for i, subj in enumerate(subj_arr):
    ss_extract = sleepstudy.loc[sleepstudy['Subject']==subj]
    #new subplot
    subplt = plt.subplot(gs[i])

    #plot without confidence intervals
    sns.regplot(x='Days', y='Reaction', ci=None, data=ss_extract).set_title('Subject '+str(subj))
    sns.regplot(x='Days', y='Reaction', ci=None, scatter=False, data=sleepstudy)

    subj_num = int(np.where(subj_arr==subj)[0])

    subjects_avg_intercept = np.mean(trace['alpha'][:,i])
    subjects_avg_slope = np.mean(trace['beta'][:,i])
    hmodel_fit = [subjects_avg_intercept + subjects_avg_slope*x for x in range(-1,11)]
    if i not in [0,6,12]:

_ = plt.figlegend(['Estimated from each subject alone','Pooling all subjects','Hierarchical (partial pooling)'],loc = 'lower center', ncol=6)
_ =
In [24]:
model_predictions = trace['mu_i'].mean(axis=0)
obs_reactions = sleepstudy['Reaction']

plt.scatter(sleepstudy['Reaction'], model_predictions)
plt.plot(plt.xlim(), plt.ylim(), c='black')
plt.xlabel("Observed Reaction Time (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Predicted Reaction Time [Mean of Posterior] (ms)")
plt.title("Observed and Fitted Reaction Times from . Bayesian Hierarchical Model")