Key Word(s): AdaBoost, Exponential Loss, weights
Title :¶
Exercise: Boosting Classification
Description :¶
The aim of this exercise to understand classification using boosting by plotting the decision boundary after each stump. Your plot may resemble the image below:
- Read the dataset
as pandas dataframe and take a quick look. - All columns except
are predictors.landtype
is the response variable. - Define the AdaBoost classifier from scratch within the function
:- Recall the AdaBoost algorithm from the slides:
- Remember, we can derive the learning rate, $$\lambda^{(i)}λ(i)$$ , for our iith estimator, $T^{(i)}T(i)$, analytically.
- Note: In the exercise we call $$\lambda^{(i)}λ(i)$$ the 'estimator weight.' This is because SKLearn's Adaboost implementation has a learning_rate parameter which refers to a global hyperparameter.
- Call the
function with the predictor and response variables for 9 stumps. - Use the helper code provided to visualize the classification decision boundary for the 9 stumps.
DecisionTreeClassifier() A decision tree classifier. Builds a model from the training set.
np.average() Computes the weighted average along the specified axis.
np.mean() Computes the arithmetic mean along the specified axis.
np.log() Natural logarithm, element-wise.
np.exp() Calculates the exponential of all elements in the input array.
sklearn.AdaBoostClassifier() An AdaBoost classifier.
Note: This exercise is auto-graded and you can make multiple attempts.
# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from helper import plot_decision_boundary
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
%matplotlib inline
# Read the dataset as a pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv("boostingclassifier.csv")
# Read the columns latitude and longitude as the predictor variables
X = df[['latitude','longitude']].values
# Landtype is the response variable
y = df['landtype'].values
### edTest(test_response) ###
# update the class labels to appropriate values for AdaBoost
y = ___
# AdaBoost algorithm implementation from scratch
def AdaBoost_scratch(X, y, M=10):
X: data matrix of predictors
y: response variable
M: number of estimators (e.g., 'stumps')
# Initialization of utility variables
N = len(y)
estimator_list = []
y_predict_list = []
estimator_error_list = []
estimator_weight_list = []
sample_weight_list = []
# Initialize the sample weights
sample_weight = np.ones(N) / N
# Store a copy of the sample weights to a list
# Q: why do we want to use .copy() here? The implementation will make it clear.
# Fit each boosted stump
# Q: Why might we prefer the variable name '_' here over something like 'm'?
for _ in range(M):
# Instantiate a Decision Tree classifier for our stump
# Note: our stumps should have only a single split
estimator = ___
# Fit the stump on the entire data with using the sample_weight variable
# Hint: check the estimator's documentation for how to use sample weights
# Predict on the entire data
y_predict = estimator.predict(X)
# Create a binary vector representing the misclassifications
incorrect = ___
# Compute the error as the weighted average of the
# 'incorrect' vector above using the sample weights
# Hint: np.average() makes this very simple
estimator_error = ___
# Compute the estimator weight using the estimator error
# Note: The estimator weight here is refered to as the 'learning rate' in the slides
estimator_weight = ___
# Update the sample weights (un-normalized!)
# Note: Make use of the '*=' assignment statement
sample_weight *= ___
# Renormalize the sample weights
# Note: Make use of the '/=' assignment statement
sample_weight /= ___
# Save the iteration values
# Convert to numpy array for convenience
estimator_list = np.asarray(estimator_list)
y_predict_list = np.asarray(y_predict_list)
estimator_error_list = np.asarray(estimator_error_list)
estimator_weight_list = np.asarray(estimator_weight_list)
sample_weight_list = np.asarray(sample_weight_list)
# Compute the predictions
# Q: Why do we want to use np.sign() here?
preds = (np.array([np.sign((y_predict_list[:,point] * \
estimator_weight_list).sum()) for point in range(N)]))
# Return the model, estimated weights and sample weights
return estimator_list, estimator_weight_list, sample_weight_list, preds
### edTest(test_adaboost) ###
# Call the AdaBoost function to perform boosting classification
estimator_list, estimator_weight_list, sample_weight_list, preds = \
AdaBoost_scratch(X,y, M=9)
# Calculate the model's accuracy from the predictions returned above
accuracy = ___
print(f'accuracy: {accuracy:.3f}')
# Helper code to plot the AdaBoost Decision Boundary stumps
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,16))
for m in range(0, 9):
s_weights = (sample_weight_list[m,:] / sample_weight_list[m,:].sum() ) * 300
plot_decision_boundary(estimator_list[m], X,y,N = 50, scatter_weights =s_weights,counter=m)
# Use sklearn's AdaBoostClassifier to take a look at the final decision boundary
# Initialise the model with Decision Tree classifier as the base model same as above
# Use SAMME as the algorithm and 9 estimators
boost = AdaBoostClassifier( base_estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 1),
algorithm = 'SAMME', n_estimators=9)
# Fit on the entire data,y)
# Call the plot_decision_boundary function to plot the decision boundary of the model
plot_decision_boundary(boost, X,y, N = 50)
plt.title('AdaBoost Decision Boundary', fontsize=16)
⏸ How does the num_estimators
affect the model?
### edTest(test_chow1) ###
# Type your answer within in the quotes given
answer1 = '___'