Key Word(s): Binary Response, Logistic Regression, Probability, PMF, Likelihood, Logistic Estimation
Title :¶
Exercise - Logistic Regression
Description :¶
Fit logistic regression models using:
SKLearn LogisticRegression (sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression)
Statsmodels Logit (statsmodels.api.Logit)
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# import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression
import statsmodels.api as sm
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heart = pd.read_csv('Heart.csv')
# Force the response into a binary indicator:
heart['AHD'] = 1*(heart['AHD'] == "Yes")
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# Make a plot of the response (AHD) vs the predictor (Age)
plt.plot(heart[['Age']].values, heart['AHD'].values ,'o', markersize=7,color="#011DAD",label="Data")
plt.xticks(np.arange(18, 80, 4.0))
plt.yticks((0,1), labels=('No', 'Yes'))
In [0]:
# split into train and validation
heart_train, heart_val = train_test_split(heart, train_size = 0.75, random_state = 5)
# select variables for model estimation
x_train = heart_train[['Age']]
y_train = heart_train['AHD']
x_val = heart_val[['Age']]
y_val = heart_val['AHD']
Simple linear regression model fitting¶
Define and fit a linear regression model to predict Age
from MaxHR
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# Create a linear regression model, with random state=5
regress1 = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True).fit(x_train,y_train)
print("Linear Regression Estimated Betas:",regress1.intercept_,regress1.coef_[0])
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# Plot the estimated probability for training data
yhat_regress = regress1.predict(dummy_x.reshape(-1,1))
plt.plot(x_train, y_train, 'o' ,alpha=0.2, label='Data')
plt.plot(dummy_x, yhat_regress, label = "OLS")
plt.ylim(-0.2, 1.2)
What could go wrong with this linear regression model?¶
your answer here
Simple logisitc regression model fitting¶
Define and fit a logistic regression model with random state=5 to predict Age
from MaxHR
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### edTest(test_logit1) ###
# Create a logistic regression model, with random state=5 and no penalty
logit1 = ___(penalty=___, max_iter = 1000, random_state=5)
#Fit the model using the training set,y_train)
# Get the coefficient estimates
print("Logistic Regression Estimated Betas (B0,B1):",logit1.intercept_,logit1.coef_)
Interpret the Coefficient Estimates¶
Calculate the estimated probability that a person with age 60 will have AHD in the ICU.¶
your answer here
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# Confirm the probability calculation above using logit1.predict()
# Be careful as to how you define the new observation. Hint: double brackets is one way to do it
Accuracy computation¶
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### edTest(test_accuracy) ###
# Compute the training & validation accuracy
train_accuracy = logit1.___(x_train , y_train)
val_accuracy = logit1.___(x_val , y_val)
# Print the two accuracies below
print("Train Accuracy", train_accuracy)
print("Validation Accuracy", val_accuracy)
Plot the predictions¶
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yhat_class_logit = logit1.predict(x)
yhat_prob_logit = logit1.predict_proba(x)[:,1]
# plot the observed data
plt.plot(x_train, y_train, 'o' ,alpha=0.1, label='Train Data')
plt.plot(x_val, 0.94*y_val+0.03, 'o' ,alpha=0.1, label='Validation Data')
# plot the predictions
plt.plot(x, yhat_class_logit, label='logit1 Classifications')
plt.plot(x, yhat_prob_logit, label='logit1 Probabilities')
# put the lower-left part of the legend 5% to the right along the x-axis, and 45% up along the y-axis
# Don't forget your axis labels!
plt.ylabel("Heart disease (AHD)")
Statistical Inference¶
Train a new logistic regression model using statsmodels package. Print model summary and interpret the results.
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### edTest(test_logit2) ###
# adding a column of ones to X
x_train_with_constant = sm.add_constant(x_train)
x_val_with_constant = sm.add_constant(x_val)
# train a new model using statsmodels package
logreg = sm.___(y_train, x_train_with_constant).fit()
What is an estimated 95% confidence interval for the coefficient corresponding to 'Age' variable?¶
your answer here