Milestone 1A

Due: Thursday, September 23rd at 11:59 PM

You will now begin your final project to develop a Python package for automatic differentiation. Please get together with your project group and complete the tasks below for Milestone 1a.

Steps to complete

  1. Meet with your assigned group. Establish a way to communicate.
  2. Form a GitHub organization (with a descriptive team name).
    • Your organization must start with cs107-*, where the wildcard * can be any string of characters.
    • Do not use cs107-project or cs107-group# as your GitHub organization name. Come up with a creative organization name.
    • Please give the CS107 Staff GitHub user access to your organization by member invitation (cs107-sys-dev)
  3. You can have as many repositories as you like within your organization. However, we will only grade the repository called cs107-FinalProject. This repo is where all of your project code must live.
    • Update the file at the root of your repo with your group number and the names of your group members.
  4. Fill out this Google Form with your group # and URL:

Final Deliverables

  1. Create a project organization and invite the teaching staff.
    • Within the project organization, create a project repo (make sure teaching staff has access).
  2. Fill out Google form with repo URL and Group #

Grading breakdown

Total: 2 points

Points Task
1 Repo Setup
1 Google Form Submitted