Key Word(s): ridge, lasso, hyperparameters


Exercise: 1 - Regularization with Cross-validation


The aim of this exercise is to understand regularization with cross-validation.


  • Initialising the required parameters for this exercise. This can be viewed in the scaffold.
  • Read the data file polynomial50.csv and assign the predictor and response variables.
  • Use the helper code to visualise the data.
  • Define a function reg_with_validation that performs Ridge regularization by taking a random_state parameter.
    • Split the data into train and validation sets by specifying the random_state.
    • Compute the polynomial features for the train and validation sets.
    • Run a loop for the alpha values. Within the loop:
      • Initialise the Ridge regression model with the specified alpha.
      • Fit the model on the training data and predict and on the train and validation set.
      • Compute the MSE of the train and validation prediction.
      • Store these values in lists.
  • Run reg_with_validation for varying random states and plot a graph that depicts the best alpha value and the best MSE. The graph will be similar to the one given above.
  • Define a function reg_with_cross_validation that performs Ridge regularization with cross-validation by taking a random_state parameter.
    • Sample the data using the specified random state.
    • Assign the predictor and response variables using the sampled data.
    • Run a loop for the alpha values. Within the loop:
      • Initialise the Ridge regression model with the specified alpha.
      • Fit the model on the entire data and using cross-validation with 5 folds.
      • Get the train and validation MSEs by taking their mean.
      • Store these values in lists.
  • Run reg_with_cross_validation for varying random states and plot a graph that depicts the best alpha value and the best MSE.
  • Use the helper code given to print your best MSEs in the case of simple validation and cross-validation for different random states.


df.sample() : Returns a random sample of items from an axis of the object.

sklearn.cross_validate() : Evaluate metrics by cross-validation and also record fit/score times.

np.mean() : Compute the arithmetic mean along the specified axis.

sklearn.RidgeRegression() : Linear least squares with l2 regularization. : Fit Ridge egression model.

sklearn.predict() : Predict using the linear model.

sklearn.mean_squared_error() : Mean squared error regression loss

sklearn.PolynomialFeatures() : Generate polynomial and interaction features.

sklearn.fit_transform() : Fit to data, then transform it.

In [ ]:
# Import required libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
%matplotlib inline
In [ ]:
# Initialising required parameters

# The list of random states
ran_state = [0, 10, 21, 42, 66, 109, 310, 1969]

# The list of alpha for regularization
alphas = [1e-7,1e-5, 1e-3, 0.01, 0.1, 1]

# The degree of the polynomial
degree= 30
In [ ]:
# Read the file 'polynomial50.csv' as a dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('polynomial50.csv')

# Assign the values of the 'x' column as the predictor
x = df[['x']].values

# Assign the values of the 'y' column as the response
y = df['y'].values

# Also assign the true value of the function (column 'f') to the variable f 
f = df['f'].values
In [ ]:
# Use the helper code below to visualise the distribution of the x, y values & also the value of the true function f

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Plot x vs y values
ax.plot(x,y, 'o', label = 'Observed values',markersize=10 ,color = 'Darkblue')

# Plot x vs true function value
ax.plot(x,f, 'k-', label = 'True function',linewidth=4,color ='#9FC131FF')

ax.legend(loc = 'best');
ax.set_xlabel('Predictor - $X$',fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('Response - $Y$',fontsize=16)
ax.set_title('Predictor vs Response plot',fontsize=16);
In [ ]:
# Function to perform regularization with simple validation
def reg_with_validation(rs):
    # Split the data into train and validation sets with train size as 80% and random_state as
    x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x,y, train_size = 0.8, random_state=rs)

    # Create two lists for training and validation error
    training_error, validation_error = [],[]

    # Compute the polynomial features train and validation sets
    x_poly_train = ___
    x_poly_val= ___

    # Run a loop for all alpha values
    for alpha in alphas:

        # Initialise a Ridge regression model by specifying the alpha and with fit_intercept=False
        ridge_reg = ___
        # Fit on the modified training data

        # Predict on the training set 
        y_train_pred = ___
        # Predict on the validation set 
        y_val_pred = ___
        # Compute the training and validation mean squared errors
        mse_train = ___
        mse_val = ___

        # Append the MSEs to their respective lists 
    # Return the train and validation MSE
    return training_error, validation_error
In [ ]:
### edTest(test_validation) ###
# Initialise a list to store the best alpha using simple validation for varying random states
best_alpha = []

# Run a loop for different random_states
for i in range(len(ran_state)):
    # Get the train and validation error by calling the function reg_with_validation
    training_error, validation_error = ___

    # Get the best mse from the validation_error list
    best_mse  = ___
    # Get the best alpha value based on the best mse
    best_parameter = ___
    # Append the best alpha to the list
    # Use the helper code given below to plot the graphs
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (6,4))
    # Plot the training errors for each alpha value
    ax.plot(alphas,training_error,'s--', label = 'Training error',color = 'Darkblue',linewidth=2)
    # Plot the validation errors for each alpha value
    ax.plot(alphas,validation_error,'s-', label = 'Validation error',color ='#9FC131FF',linewidth=2 )

    # Draw a vertical line at the best parameter
    ax.axvline(best_parameter, 0, 0.75, color = 'r', label = f'Min validation error at alpha = {best_parameter}')

    ax.set_xlabel('Value of Alpha',fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel('Mean Squared Error',fontsize=15)
    ax.legend(loc = 'best',fontsize=12)
    bm = round(best_mse, 5)
    ax.set_title(f'Best alpha is {best_parameter} with MSE {bm}',fontsize=16)
In [ ]:
# Function to perform regularization with cross validation
def reg_with_cross_validation(rs):
    # Sample your data to get different splits using the random state
    df_new = ___
    # Assign the values of the 'x' column as the predictor from your sampled dataframe
    x = df_new[['x']].values

    # Assign the values of the 'y' column as the response from your sampled dataframe
    y = df_new['y'].values

    # Create two lists for training and validation error
    training_error, validation_error = [],[]

    # Compute the polynomial features on the entire data
    x_poly = ___

    # Run a loop for all alpha values
    for alpha in alphas:

        # Initialise a Ridge regression model by specifying the alpha value and with fit_intercept=False
        ridge_reg = ___
        # Perform cross validation on the modified data with neg_mean_squared_error as the scoring parameter and cv=5
        # Remember to get the train_score
        ridge_cv = ___

        # Compute the training and validation errors got after cross validation
        mse_train = ___
        mse_val = ___
        # Append the MSEs to their respective lists 
    # Return the train and validation MSE
    return training_error, validation_error
In [ ]:
### edTest(test_cross_validation) ###
# Initialise a list to store the best alpha using cross validation for varying random states
best_cv_alpha = []

# Run a loop for different random_states
for i in range(len(ran_state)):
    # Get the train and validation error by calling the function reg_with_cross_validation
    training_error, validation_error = ___
    # Get the best mse from the validation_error list
    best_mse  = ___
    # Get the best alpha value based on the best mse
    best_parameter = ___
    # Append the best alpha to the list
    # Use the helper code given below to plot the graphs
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (6,4))
    # Plot the training errors for each alpha value
    ax.plot(alphas,training_error,'s--', label = 'Training error',color = 'Darkblue',linewidth=2)
    # Plot the validation errors for each alpha value
    ax.plot(alphas,validation_error,'s-', label = 'Validation error',color ='#9FC131FF',linewidth=2 )

    # Draw a vertical line at the best parameter
    ax.axvline(best_parameter, 0, 0.75, color = 'r', label = f'Min validation error at alpha = {best_parameter}')

    ax.set_xlabel('Value of Alpha',fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel('Mean Squared Error',fontsize=15)
    ax.legend(loc = 'best',fontsize=12)
    bm = round(best_mse, 5)
    ax.set_title(f'Best alpha is {best_parameter} with MSE {bm}',fontsize=16)
In [ ]:
# Use the helper code below to print your findings
pt = PrettyTable()

pt.field_names = ["Random State", "Best Alpha with Validation", "Best Alpha with Cross-Validation"]

for i in range(6):
    pt.add_row([ran_state[i], best_alpha[i], best_cv_alpha[i]])


What can you infer about cross-validation based on the previous analysis?

After marking, change the random states and alpha values. Run the code again. Comment on the results of regularization with simple validation and cross-validation.