Lecture 7

Object Oriented Programming III

Thursday, September 26th 2019

Last Time

  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Super class initializers
  • Interfaces


  • Special methods (the dunder methods)
  • The Python Data Model
  • Class methods, static methods, instance methods
In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML

The Python Data Model

Duck typing is used throughout Python. Indeed it's what enables the "Python Data Model"

  • All Python classes implicitly inherit from the root object class.
  • The Pythonic way is to just document your interface and implement it.
  • This usage of common interfaces is pervasive in dunder functions to comprise the Python data model.

Example: Printing with __repr__ and __str__

  • The way printing works is that Python wants classes to implement __repr__ and __str__ methods.
  • It will use inheritance to give the built-in objects methods when these are not defined.
  • Any class can define __repr__ and __str__.
  • When an instance of such a class is interrogated with the repr or str function, then these underlying methods are called.

We'll see __repr__ here. If you define __repr__ you have made an object sensibly printable.


In [2]:
class Animal():
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def __repr__(self):
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return "{0!s}({1.name!r})".format(class_name, self)
In [3]:
r = Animal("David")
In [4]:
In [5]:
  • The return value of __repr__ is in quotes. Why?
  • The expression returned by __repr__ should be able to be fed into the eval built-in.
    • eval accepts a Python expression as a string.
    • The Python expression is then evaluated.
    • Convenient for debugging!
  • __repr__ returns the Python code needed to rebuild our object.
In [6]:

Now we see how r was created!


  • There can be confusion about the difference between __repr__ and __str__.
  • Here is a great Stackoverflow discussion this issue: Difference between __str__ and __repr__?.
  • Use __repr__ to show how an object is created --- this is useful for developers.
  • Use __str__ to describe the object --- this is useful for users.
  • Note: print() first looks for __str__ and if that's not found it looks for __repr__.

The pattern with dunder methods

There are functions without double-underscores that cause the methods with the double-underscores to be called

Thus repr(an_object) will cause an_object.__repr__() to be called.

In user-level code, you SHOULD NEVER see the latter. In library level code, you might see the latter. The definition of the class is considered library level code.

Example: Instance Equality via __eq__

We can now ask and answer the question: What makes two objects equal?

To do this, we will add a new dunder method to the mix, the unimaginatively named (that's a good thing) __eq__.

In [7]:
class Animal():
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def __repr__(self):
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return "{0!s}({1.name!r})".format(class_name, self)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.name == other.name # two animals are equal if their names are equal
In [8]:
A = Animal("Tom")
B = Animal("Jane")
C = Animal("Tom")

There are three separate object identities, but we made two of them equal!

In [9]:
print(id(A), "   ", id(B), "   ", id(C))

print(A==B, "         ", B==C, "         ", A==C)
4582181912     4582389464     4582389408
False           False           True

This is critical because it gives us a say in what equality means.

Python's power comes from the data model, composition, and delegation

The data model is used (from Fluent Python) to provide a:

description of the interfaces of the building blocks of the language itself, such as sequences, iterators, functions, classes....

Python's power comes from the data model, composition, and delegation

The data model is used (from Fluent Python) to provide a:

description of the interfaces of the building blocks of the language itself, such as sequences, iterators, functions, classes....

The special "dunder" methods we talk about are invoked by the Python interpreter to perform basic operations.

For example, __getitem__ gets an item in a sequence. This is used to do something like a[3].

__len__ is used to say how long a sequence is. Its invoked by the len built-in function.

A sequence, for example, must implement __len__ and __getitem__. That's it.

The original reference for this data model is: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html.


An example of a sequence in Python is the tuple. Since a tuple is a sequence, it must support indexing and be able to tell us its length.

In [10]:
a = (1,2)
a[0] # indexing
In [11]:
len(a) # length

Great. That worked out nicely. Let's take a look at some "enhanced" tuples.



  • Produces subclasses of tuples
  • The tuples are enhanced with field names and a class name.

Consider the example from Fluent Python (Example 1-1):

In [12]:
import collections
Card = collections.namedtuple('Cards', ['rank', 'suit'])
In [13]:
my_card = Card('3', 'diamonds')
Cards(rank='3', suit='diamonds')


A Custom Sequence

Let's create a FrenchDeck as an example of something that follows Python's Sequence protocol. Remember, the sequence protocol requires implementation of two methods: __len__ and __getitem__. That's it.

In [14]:
[Card(rank, suit) for suit in "spade diamond club heart".split() for rank in [str(n) for n in range(2,11)] + list('JKQA')]
[Cards(rank='2', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='3', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='4', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='5', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='6', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='7', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='8', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='9', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='10', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='J', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='K', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='Q', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='2', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='3', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='4', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='5', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='6', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='7', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='8', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='9', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='10', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='J', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='K', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='Q', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='2', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='3', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='4', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='5', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='6', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='7', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='8', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='9', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='10', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='J', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='K', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='Q', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='club'),
 Cards(rank='2', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='3', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='4', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='5', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='6', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='7', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='8', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='9', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='10', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='J', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='K', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='Q', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='heart')]
In [15]:
class FrenchDeck:
    ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2,11)] + list('JKQA')
    suits = "spade diamond club heart".split()
    def __init__(self):
        # composition: there are items IN this class that constitute its structure
        # delegation: the storage for this class is DELEGATED to this list below
        self._cards = [Card(rank, suit) for suit in self.suits for rank in self.ranks]
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._cards)
    def __getitem__(self, position):
        return self._cards[position]
In [16]:
deck = FrenchDeck()
In [17]:
deck[0], deck[-1], deck[3]
(Cards(rank='2', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='heart'),
 Cards(rank='5', suit='spade'))
In [18]:
[Cards(rank='K', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='Q', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='A', suit='spade'),
 Cards(rank='2', suit='diamond'),
 Cards(rank='3', suit='diamond')]
  • The FrenchDeck class supports the sequence protocol
  • As a result, we can use functions like random.choice directly on instances of FrenchDeck.
  • This is the power of interfaces and the data model.
In [19]:
from random import choice
Cards(rank='7', suit='club')

Building out our class: instances and classmethods

At this point, you should feel comfortable with classes, special methods, and the python data model.

We will take a short excursion to enhance our classes using classmethods. We will also see staticmethods and regular instance methods.

A Favorite Example

In [20]:
class ComplexClass():
    def __init__(self, real, imaginary):
        self.real = real
        self.imaginary = imaginary
    def make_complex(cls, real, imaginary):
        return cls(real, imaginary)
    def __repr__(self):
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return "%s(real=%r, imaginary=%r)" % (class_name, self.real, self.imaginary)
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.real == other.real) and (self.imaginary == other.imaginary)
In [21]:
c1 = ComplexClass(1,2)
ComplexClass(real=1, imaginary=2)
class ComplexClass():
    def __init__(self, real, imaginary):
        self.real = real
        self.imaginary = imaginary

    def make_complex(cls, real, imaginary):
        return cls(real, imaginary)

    def __repr__(self):
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        return "%s(real=%r, imaginary=%r)" % (class_name, self.real, self.imaginary)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.real == other.real) and (self.imaginary == other.imaginary)

make_complex is a class method. See how its signature is different above. It is a factory to produce instances.

In [22]:
c2 = ComplexClass.make_complex(1,2)
ComplexClass(real=1, imaginary=2)
In [23]:
c1 == c2

The take-away

  • A classmethod has access to the actual class, but not the instance of the class

Static Methods, Class Methods, Instance Methods

What's really going on under the hood here?

In [24]:
# From fluent python
class Demo():
    def klassmeth(*args): # Class methods do not have to return an instance of the class
        return args
    def statmeth(*args): # This is just a regular function
        return args
    def instmeth(*args): # This is a true blue instance method
        return args
In [25]:
sm = Demo.statmeth(1,2)

(1, 2)
In [26]:
# From fluent python
class Demo():
    def klassmeth(*args): # Class methods do not have to return an instance of the class
        return args
    def statmeth(*args): # This is just a regular function
        return args
    def instmeth(*args): # This is a true blue instance method
        return args
In [27]:
cm = Demo.klassmeth(1,2)

(__main__.Demo, 1, 2)
In [28]:
ademo = Demo()
Demo.instmeth(ademo, 1,2)
(<__main__.Demo at 0x1112349e8>, 1, 2)
In [29]:
(<__main__.Demo at 0x1112349e8>, 1, 2)
In [30]:
cm = ademo.klassmeth(1,2)
sm = ademo.statmeth(1,2)
im = ademo.instmeth(1,2)
In [31]:
print(type(cm), type(sm), type(im))
In [32]:
(__main__.Demo, 1, 2)
In [33]:
(1, 2)
In [34]:
(<__main__.Demo at 0x1112349e8>, 1, 2)

Class variables and instance variables

In [35]:
class Demo2():
    classvar = 1
ademo2 = Demo2()
print(Demo2.classvar, ademo2.classvar)

ademo2.classvar = 2 # Different from the classvar above
print(Demo2.classvar, ademo2.classvar)
1 1
1 2