Homework Policies & Submission Instructions

V. September 25, 2019

General Policies


Except for HW4 and HW7 which will be done by each student individually, you're allowed and encouraged to work with a fellow student on the homework. This does not mean that you are to divide and conquer. In the spirit of learning and getting the most out of this course and out of collaborating with your peer, you should solve each problem on your own, compare with your partner, and decide on a common solution.

Importing Libraries

As much as possible, try and stick to the hints and functions we import at the top of the homework, as those are the ideas and tools the class supports and is aiming to teach. And if a problem specifies a particular library you're required to use that library, and possibly others from the import list. You are allowed to use other libraries such as seaborn.

Submitting HW

Late Submissions will not be accepted.

Extensions are provided only for medical reasons with a doctor's note.

If there are issues, send an email to the Helpline.

Homework assignments will be done in Python in the Jupyter Notebook environment. When you are finished editing your notebook, re-run all the cells to make sure they work.

Normally, you need only submit the .ipynb file with one caveat:

If your notebook references other files such as images which are necessary for interpreting your work, they must be uploaded as well.

You may also choose to "attach" the images to the notebook itself. See the section on markdown attachments under "other additions" here for details.

Please do not submit .zip or .rar files.

File Naming Convention

Do not include your name in the paper or the filename as we try to keep grading as anonymous as possible.

Making a HW Group in Canvas

DO NOT join a group if you are submitting the assignment alone.

DO NOT make new groups. Look for an empty group among the pre-made groups for each assignment and join it. Follow instructions below.

  1. Click "People" in the navbar

  2. Click the "Groups" tab

  3. Type in the search box: "HW#" (replace # with the homework number, e.g. HW3)

  4. Choose an empty group and have both members in your pair click "Join". Again, this must be done before you submit and before the homework deadline. If you haven't joined a group before the homework deadline, we will assume you are working alone.

  5. Groups do not persist across assignments. You need to make a group for every assignment.

Warning: If you are submitting in a pair: both members must join a Canvas group BEFORE they submit and BEFORE the homework deadline, whichever is earlier. If your group is not in place when you submit or if you submit after the assignment deadline, then you are submitting alone. This is a Canvas limitation.

Making a HW Group in Canvas Video