Key Word(s): GLM
The following code implements the Fisher Scoring algorithm to solve for the optimal parameters in a simple logistic regression. The data we are using are the O-ring measurements that were taken leading up to the Challenger disaster in 1986. The space shuttle burned up on the launch pad because one of the O-rings failed due to the cold temperatures. We're going to regress temperature on O-ring failure to see if we can find a correlation.
The data were obtained here.
This example is originally found here.
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## Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from IPython import display
import seaborn as sns
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## Implementation of Fisher Scoring algorithm for simple logistic regression
df = pd.read_csv('Challenger.csv')
df['INTERCEPT'] = 1
In [4]:
## Setup X and y
X = df[['INTERCEPT', 'TEMPERATURE']].values
y = df['O_RING_FAILURE'].values
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def fisher_scoring(design_matrix, response_vector, epsilon=.001):
Determine Logistic Regression coefficents using Fisher Scoring algorithm.
Iteration ceases once changes between elements in coefficent matrix across
consecutive iterations is less than epsilon.
# =========================================================================
# design_matrix `X` => n-by-(p+1) |
# response_vector `y` => n-by-1 |
# probability_vector `p` => n-by-1 |
# weights_matrix `W` => n-by-n |
# epsilon => threshold above which iteration continues |
# =========================================================================
# n => # of observations |
# (p + 1) => # of parameterss, +1 for intercept term |
# =========================================================================
# U => First derivative of Log-Likelihood with respect to |
# each beta_i, i.e. `Score Function`: X_transpose * (y - p) |
# |
# I => Second derivative of Log-Likelihood with respect to |
# each beta_i. The `Information Matrix`: (X_transpose * W * X) |
# |
# X^T*W*X results in a (p+1)-by-(p+1) matrix |
# X^T(y - p) results in a (p+1)-by-1 matrix |
# (X^T*W*X)^-1 * X^T(y - p) results in a (p+1)-by-1 matrix |
# ========================================================================|
X = np.matrix(design_matrix)
y = np.matrix(response_vector).T
# initialize logistic function used for Scoring calculations =>
def pi_i(v): return (np.exp(v) / (1 + np.exp(v)))
# initialize beta_0, p_0, W_0, I_0 & U_0 =>
beta_0 = np.matrix(np.zeros(X.shape[1])).T
p_0 = pi_i(X @ beta_0)
W_pre = (np.array(p_0) * np.array(1 - p_0))
W_0 = np.matrix(np.diag(W_pre[:, 0]))
I_0 = X.T @ W_0 @ X
U_0 = X.T @ (y - p_0)
# initialize variables for iteration =>
beta_old = beta_0
iter_I = I_0
iter_U = U_0
iter_p = p_0
iter_W = W_0
fisher_scoring_iterations = 0
# iterate until abs(beta_new - beta_old) < epsilon =>
coeffs = [np.array(beta_old).flatten()]
while True:
# Fisher Scoring Update Step =>
fisher_scoring_iterations += 1
beta_new = beta_old + iter_I.I * iter_U
if np.all(np.abs(np.array(beta_new)-np.array(beta_old)) < epsilon):
iter_p = pi_i(X * beta_new)
iter_W_pre = (np.array(iter_p) * np.array(1 - iter_p))
iter_W = np.matrix(np.diag(iter_W_pre[:, 0]))
iter_I = X.T * iter_W * X
iter_U = X.T * (y - iter_p)
beta_old = beta_new
return coeffs
In [6]:
betas = fisher_scoring(X, y)
In [7]:
def log_likelihood(X, y, betas):
Calculates log-likelihood for logistic regression
Input shapes:
X - n x (p + 1)
y - n x 1
betas - (p + 1) x 1
return np.sum(y*np.log(np.exp(X @ betas)/(1+np.exp(X @ betas))) + (1 - y)*np.log(1/(1+np.exp(X @ betas))))
In [8]:
def animate():
Animates parameter estimate convergence
b1s = [x[1] for x in betas]
xs = np.linspace(np.min(b1s)-.2, np.max(b1s), 100)
ys = [log_likelihood(X, y, [betas[-1][0], b]) for b in xs]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
ax.plot(xs, ys)
for i, b in enumerate(b1s):
ax.scatter(b, log_likelihood(X, y, [betas[-1][0], b]), c='r')
ax.plot([b]*100, np.linspace(np.min(ys), log_likelihood(X, y, [betas[-1][0], b]), 100), 'r--')
ax.set_ylabel('Log-Likelihood', fontsize=15)
ax.set_xlabel('beta1', fontsize=15)
ax.set_title(f'Fisher Scoring Algorithm: Iteration {i+1}', fontsize=20)
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