Lab 1: Intro to R
R/Rstudio Installation
R Comes with a command-line interface.
There are many alternative ways to interact with the R interpreter. The most popular, and one we will use for this class, is RStudio,
You should use RStudio for CS109 work. When using R outside of CS109 you may experiment and choose the interface you feel most comfortable with. Note that while R distributions for Mac and Windows include graphical user interfaces, these are not recommended. You must install first R then *RStudio*.
R installers and instructions for Windows, Mac, and some popular Linux systems
are available at Linux
users should follow the instructions at to
ensure that they get the most recent stable version.
We will be using R version 3.4.0 or greater
If you do not have the current version you wil have to re-install R from the website above. To save your downloaded packages follow instrutions
RStudio installers and instructions for Windows, Mac, and some popular Linux systems are available at
If a binary distribution of R is not available for your operating system, email me at for assistance.
Your Turn: Get to Know RStudio
- Install R and Rstudio if you have not yet done so.
- Run the RStudio application.
- Examine the startup message and verify that you are running R version $\geq$ 3.4.0. If you have an older version of R go back to step 1.
- Use the Help menu in the RStudio application to locate the RStudio IDE Cheat-Sheet.
- Use the Help menu in the RStudio application to locate the RMarkdown Quick Reference.
- Open a new R Markdown file in RStudio. Using the RMarkdown Quick Reference as a guide create a document with:
- a header
- a list of your favorite foods
- an R code block containing
print("Hello World!")
- Render your R Markdown file to
Basic R Survival Skills for Pythonistas
R and Python are similar, a fact that will make working with R both easier and (in some ways) more difficult. Here are some of the basics you will need to survive in this brave new woRld.
Interacting with the REPL
- The
symbol is the default prompt. It means R is ready to receive your instruction. - The
prompt means your previous expression was incomplete. Complete it or press the Escape key to cancel. - Press the Tab key in the Console or R Script panes to complete object or argument names.
- Press Control-Enter to evaluate a line or region from an R script or RMarkdown code block.
Key syntax differences Between R and Python
- Although R has an object-oriented system (actually 3 or 4 depending on what
you count as "object oriented"), it's not nearly as common as in Python. Most
R code looks like
fun(obj, arg1, arg2)
rather, arg2)
. - R uses
rather than:
and indentation to denote blocks. - R indexing is 1-based rather than zero-based as in Python. Negative index
drops rather than reversing direction. See
for details. - There are no construction shortcuts like
[1, 2, 3]
in Python. Usec(1, 2, 3)
instead. - We typically do not modify object in-place in R. That is, most objects do not
or similar methods. In R we would usex <- c(x, "foo")
instead ofx.append("foo")
as in Python. There are exceptions to this! - We typically use
rather than=
for assignment. (They actually mean differentt things in R!)
Reading the documentation
opens the documentation fortopic
.- The most important arguments are usually listed first. Don't be intimidated by functions with 10's of arguments, chances are only a small number are required.
help(package = "foo")
opens the documentation for packagefoo
will show you examples offun
usage.- Function documentation as well as manuals, cheat sheets, and other resources can be accessed using the RStudio help menu.
Package management
- Use the
function rather thanpip install
orconda install
. - Use a package by calling
rather thanimport foo
as in Python. - Packages are not name-spaced in the way they are in Python. If package
provides functionbar
we usually call bar withlibrary(foo)
followed bybar()
. In the event of name collisions you can usefoo::bar()
but this is not common.
Installing Packages Used in this Course
R comes with a default set of core and recommended packages that provide a wealth of data manipulation, statistics, and graphics capabilities out-of-the-box. If that is not enough, there are thousands of contributed R packages that extend R in various ways.
There are two primary repositories for R packages: the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) contains statistics and general-purpose packages, and Bioconductor contains additional bio-statistics packages.
Curated lists of CRAN packages by topic are available at Other useful resources include and
Many wonderful packages exist to make your life in R easier and more fun. In this course we will use only a limited number of contributed packages, preferring in many cases to write our own code from scratch. However, we will use a few contributed packages that provide functionality that is a) not easily written from scratch and b) not available in base R. These packages include:
Your Turn: Install and Test Packages
- Open the help file for the
function. - Using the help file as a guide install the
, andgam
. - Load the
package. - Open the help page for the
package. - Open the help file for the
function. - Run the examples for the
function. - (Advanced) Find out where your packages were installed.
- (Advanced) Figure out how to set your default CRAN repository to
Working with Data Structures
Atomic vectors are the simplest data structure in R, and are the building blocks
used to make more complex data structures. Vectors can be created with the c
function. Each element of an atomic vector must be of the same type. Atomic
types include logical, integer double and character.
x <- c(10, 11, 12)
y <- c("10", "11", "12")
c(x = x, class = class(x), length = length(x))
c(y = y, class = class(y), length = length(y))
c(z = z, class = class(z), length = length(z))
Data structures in R can be converted from one type to another using one
of the many functions beginning with as.
. For example:
All R objects have a type (accessed with typeof
) and length (accessed with
). They may optionally have additional attributes such as names
names(x) <- c("first", "second", "third")
Vector elements can be extracted and replaced using bracket notation. This works a little differently than it does in Python:
x[1:2] # first and second elements
x[-c(3, 1)] # everything except the third and first elements
x[c("first", "third")] # first and third elements, by name
x[x > 11] # elements of x where x is greater than 11
x[1:2] <- c(0, 1) # replace first element with zero and the second element with 1
x[c("second", "third")] <- 20 # replace second and third elements with 20 (shorter argument is recycled)
Dimensional data: matrices and arrays
Vectors can be arranged into dimensional structures. Here are some examples:
m1 <- matrix(1:8, nrow = 4, dimnames = list(rows = letters[1:4], cols = c("first", "second")))
m2 <- cbind(x = 1:4, y = 5:8)
m3 <- rbind(1:4, 5:8)
a1 <- array(1:8, dim = c(2, 2, 2))
Matrices and arrays are just vectors with dimension. Like other vectors, all elements of an array must be of the same type.
Extracting and replacing elements is similar to vectors, but operates in two dimensions.
Recursive data structures: lists and data.frames
Unlike atomic vectors and arrays, each element of a list can contain any type of object. Here is an example.
l <- list(x = x, y = y, z = z, c = c, l2 = list(x, y, z))
A data.frame is a special kind of list in which each element is the same length. A data.frame has two dimensions (rows and columns), with each element of the list forming a column.
df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, z = z)
Extraction and replacement work similarly to vectors and matrices, with the
addition of [[
for extracting the contents of an element. $
is a shortcut
that works similarly to [[
l[["l2"]][[1]] == l$l2[[1]]
df[1:2, 1:2]
Your Turn: Play with the bands
Here is a snippet of code that creates a list containing information about three rock bands.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bands <- list(list(name = "The Jimi Hendrix Experience",
years = 1966:1969,
members = data.frame(name = c("Jimi Hendrix", "Noel Redding", "Mitch Mitchell"),
instrument = c("guitar", "bass", "drums"))),
list(name = "Nirvana",
years = 1987:1994,
members = data.frame(name = c("Kurt Cobain", "Krist Novoselic", "Dave Grohl"),
instrument = c("guitar", "bass", "drums"))),
list(name = "The White Stripes",
years = 1997:2011,
members = data.frame(name = c("Jack White", "Meg White"),
instrument = c("guitar", "oreos"))))
- Extract the
element of the second band in the list. - What class is it (integer, numeric, logical ...)?
- How many years was the band active?
- Extract the name of the bass player in the second band.
- Meg White played drums in the band "The White Stripes" (the third band in the list). Correct the data to reflect this fact.
- (Advanced) Combine all three
elements into a single data.frame. - (Advanced) Sort the combined data.frame by
. Break any ties by sorting byname
Data IO
The "working directory", files and folders
R knows the directory it was started in, and refers to this as the
"working directory". You can get and set the working directory with getwd()
and setwd()
R also has functions for basic file and directory manipulation, such as
, dir.create()
, and file.rename()
. You can download files
using the download.files()
Reading data files
R includes several utilities for reading text files. You can read a file
line-by-line with the readLines()
function, and you can read delimited data
using the read.table()
function. There are several connivance wrappers around
for reading common delimited file types, including read.csv()
for reading .csv
files, and read.delim()
for reading tab separated files.
Several packages provide readers for other file types. An overview of readers for common statistical data formats is displayed in the table below.
data type function package
comma separated (.csv) read.csv()
utils (comes with R)
readr (tidyverse)
other delimited formats read.table()
R (.Rds) readRDS()
base (comes with R)
Stata (.dta) read.dta()
foreign (comes with R, must be attached separately)
haven (tidyverse, needs to be attached separately)
SPSS (.sav) read.spss()
SAS (.sas7bdat) read_sas()
Excel (.xls, .xlsx) read_excel()
readxl (tidyverse, needs to be attached separately)
large text table fread()
Your Turn: Read and inspect data
- Using R, create a directory named
. - Using R, download the file at
to yourlab0data
directory. Name the file "housingPriceIndex2016.csv". - Read the data into R, assigning the result to the name
. - (Advanced) The
file above was extracted from the Excel file at
Use R to download this file. - (Advanced) Open the file downloaded in step 4 in a spreadsheet application and determine what needs to be done to read it into R. For example, which sheet should be read? Do you need to skip some rows?
- (Advanced) Read the data downloaded in step 4 into R.
Basic statistics and math
R has all the basic math operators you would expect, and quite a bit of
statistics functionality out of the box. The names are not always consistent
(e.g., mean
is fully spelled out, while standard deviation is abbreviated
, t.test
separates terms with a dot while findInterval
uses camalCase,
but tab-completion helps with that.
See ?Arithmetic
for unary and binary operators (pretty standard), and
help(package = "base")
and help(package = "stats")
for other basic math and
statistics functions.
There are two basic approaches to iteration in R; loops and *apply.
Loops are similar to their Python counterparts, but there are some syntax
differences. Let's use a loop to calculate the variance of each column in the
data we read in earlier.
```{r, echo = FALSE, include = FALSE} housing <- readr::read_csv("")
for (col in housing[, -(1:3)]) {
This is pretty straight-forward. Now suppose that rather than printing the result we want to assign it to a vector:
housingVar <- c()
for (col in housing[, -(1:3)]) {
housingVar <- c(housingVar, mean(col))
This is not too bad, but many people find an sapply
version more readable:
housingVar <- sapply(housing[, -(1:3)], var)
is similar to map in python.
Split, Apply and Combine
When you are performing a repetative task on a large data set you should think in terms of these three steps:
- Split your dataset into meaningful chunks
- Apply function of interest to division
- Combine results into new object
The functions **ply
package plyr
is very helpful for these scenarios. The first character can be a
, d
, or l
for array, data frame or lists and the second can be a
, or _
for drop.
You Turn: Housing stats
- Calculate the average Housing Price Index (HPI) for the US.
- Calculate the average HPI for Canada.
- Calculate the correlation between HPI in the US and HPI in Canada.
- Calculate the correlations among HPI in all available countries.
- (Advanced) Using the Split, Apply, Combine technique create a table showing the yearly average HPI for US and Canada.
Basic plotting
Base R comes with a full suite of graphics capabilities. The entry point is
usually the plot()
function, perhaps followed by calls to points()
etc. It looks like this:
plot(Canada ~ time, data = housing,
type = "l", col = "red")
lines(US ~ time, col = "blue", data = housing)
legend(1980, 190, legend = c("Canada", "USA"), lty = 1, col = c("red", "blue"))
That's not too bad, and the system in general is very flexible. It is however
pretty low level. Over the last 10 years or so the ggplot2
package has become
the preferred graphics system for many useRs, and it is the system we will use
in this class.
The ggplot()
version of the graph above looks like this:
ggplot(housing, mapping = aes(x = time)) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(y = Canada, color = "Canada")) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(y = US, color = "US"))
The main advantages are a) inheritance so we don't have to specify the same parameters multiple times and b) automatic construction of the legend.
The most important advantage of the ggplot system isn't yet apparent in the
plot we made above. For that we need to normalize or "tidy" our data into a form
with one column per variable and one row per observation. There are various ways
to do this in R; the gather_()
function in the tidyr package is popular
and easy.
housing.l <- gather_(housing,
key_col = "country",
value_col = "hpi",
gather_cols = names(housing)[-(1:3)])
Now that the data has been arranged into a more friendly form, we can map country to color directly.
ggplot(housing.l[housing.l$country %in% c("Canada", "US"), ],
mapping = aes(x = time, y = hpi)) +
geom_line(mapping = aes(y = hpi, color = country))
This makes the graph easy to reason about and easy to extend:
ggplot(housing.l[housing.l$country %in% c("Canada", "US", "UK", "Japan"), ],
mapping = aes(x = time, y = hpi, shape = country, color = country)) +
geom_point() +
Writing your own functions
Defining functions in R is relatively easy. Writing functions is useful both as a way of avoiding encapsulating frequently used code, and because you sometimes need to pass a function as an argument to other functions.
As a example of the second case, we can use a split-apply strategy to calculate average hdi year, like this:
sapply(split(housing.l$hpi, housing.l[c("year")]), mean)
but what if we want to calculate both means and standard deviations? There is no
function that does that, but we need to pass a function to sapply
. So we
create one, like this:
meansd <- function(x) {
xm <- mean(x)
xsd <- sd(x)
c(mean = xm, sd = xsd)
sapply(split(housing.l$hpi, housing.l[c("year")]), meansd)
Here are some things to keep in mind when writing functions in R.
- Be careful not to use the same name as an existing function or you will silently over-write it.
- The return value is the value of the last evaluated expression.
- Your function can only return one "thing"; if you want to return multiple things put them in a vector or list.
- Arguments can have default values; these can be functions of other arguments.
Your turn: More housing stats
- Write a function that returns a named vector containing the min median and max of its argument.
- Use your function to calculate the minimum, median, and maximum of HDI in the US
- Iterate, using your function to calculate the minimum, median, and maximum of HDI for all countries.
- (Advanced) Graph the median HDI across time.
- (Advanced) Graph the min, median, and max HDI across time.