CS109A Introduction to Data Science

Preparation for Lab 7: Numpy for Tensor and Neural Networks

Harvard University
Fall 2018
Instructors: Pavlos Protopapas and Kevin Rader
Lab Instructor: Eleni Kaxiras
Authors: David Sondak and Pavlos Protopapas

In [1]:
import requests
from IPython.core.display import HTML
styles = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Harvard-IACS/2018-CS109A/master/content/styles/cs109.css").text

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

Learning Goals

In this lab, we'll revise matrix operations and talk about tensors. We will also talk about handling missing data.

By the end of this lab, you should:

  • Be able to think of vectors and arrays as tensors.
  • Understand how a simple neural network works and code its functions from scratch.
  • Know how to use simple pandas and scikit-learn functions to handle missing values.

REVISE: `lab3_prelab` which has array manipulations and function plots.

Part 1. Tensors and Neural Networks

We can think of tensors as multidimensional arrays of numerical values; their job is to generalize matrices to multiple dimensions. While tensors first emerged in the 20th century, they have since been applied to numerous other disciplines, including machine learning. Tensor decomposition/factorization can solve, among other, problems in unsupervised learning settings, temporal and multirelational data. When we get to handling images for Convolutional Neural Networks, it's a good idea to have the understanding of tensors of rank 3.

We will use the following naming conventions:

  • scalar = just a number = rank 0 tensor ($a$ ∈ $F$,)

  • vector = 1D array = rank 1 tensor ( $x = (\;x_1,...,x_i\;)⊤$ ∈ $F^n$ )

  • matrix = 2D array = rank 2 tensor ( $\textbf{X} = [a_{ij}] ∈ F^{m×n}$ )

  • 3D array = rank 3 tensor ( $\mathscr{X} =[t_{i,j,k}]∈F^{m×n×l}$ )

  • $\mathscr{N}$D array = rank $\mathscr{N}$ tensor ( $\mathscr{T} =[t_{i1},...,t_{i\mathscr{N}}]∈F^{n_1×...×n_\mathscr{N}}$ )

Python library for tensors

Machine learning libraries have special functions to handle tensors. Numpy has numpy.tensordot. Feel free to read about it: numpy.tensordot, but we will not be covering it in class.

Tensor indexing

We can create subarrays by fixing some of the given tensor’s indices. We can create a vector by fixing all but one index. A 2D matrix is created when fixing all but two indices. For example, for a third order tensor the vectors are $\mathscr{X}[:,j,k]$ = $\mathscr{X}[j,k]$ (column), $\mathscr{X}[i,:,k]$ = $\mathscr{X}[i,k]$ (row), and $\mathscr{X}[i,j,:]$ = $\mathscr{X}[i,j]$ (tube); the matrices are $\mathscr{X}[:,:,k]$ (frontal), $\mathscr{X}[:,j,:]$ (lateral), $\mathscr{X}[i,:,:]$ (horizontal).

Tensor multiplication

We can multiply one matrix with another as long as the sizes are compatible ((n × m) × (m × p) = n × p), and also multiply an entire matrix by a constant. Numpy numpy.dot performs a matrix multiplication which is straightforward when we have 2D or 1D arrays. But what about > 3D arrays? The function will choose according to the matching dimentions but if we want to choose we should use tensordot, but, again, we do not need that for this class.

In this lab we will be doing a lot of array manipulation, including:

  • reshaping arrays,
  • slicing x = x[0, 10:15, 10:15] brings it into a lower rank, reordering. Create some small tensors.
  • matrix multiplication.

Reese Witherspoon as a rank 3 Tensor

(photo from Labeled Faces in the Wild)

In [4]:
# load and show the image
img = mpimg.imread('../fig/reese_witherspoon.jpg')
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

What type is this image? We have a suspicion that it's an array so let's find out its shape.

In [42]:
type(img), img.shape
(numpy.ndarray, (150, 150, 3))

It’s a 24-bit RGB PNG image (height, width, channels) with 8 bits for each of R, G, B. Explore and print the array.

In [ ]:
img[:][0:1][:3]  # selects all rows, 2nd column, and all slices
In [ ]:
In [45]:
array([225, 199, 164], dtype=uint8)
In [46]:
# we are down to a single pixel
In [47]:

Slicing tensors: slice along each axis

In [48]:
R_img = img[:,:,0]
G_img = img[:,:,1]
B_img = img[:,:,2]
In [49]:
In [50]:
In [51]:
# practice matrix by scalar
img = img * 2

Neural Networks 101: Starting with a Single Node

We begin with a single node (also called a neuron).


There are some inputs $x$, which get combined into an auxilliary variable $z$. The auxilliary variable is passed through the activation function $\sigma\left(z\right)$ and the result is the output.

Here is another image showing each step.

Notice that the inputs are linearly combined according to some weights $w$ and a bias $b$. This transformation is also sometimes called an affine transformation. The perceptron transforms the weighted inputs according to the rule of the activation function. For a single perceptron, the output $y$ is just the output from the perceptron. The linear transformation and activation of the neuron occurs within a single layer of the network (shown in the dotted box).


The task is to approximate (or learn) a function $f\left(x\right)$ given some input $x$. For demonstration purposes, the function we will try to learn is a Gaussian function \begin{align} f\left(x\right) = e^{-x^{2}} \textrm{} \end{align}

Even though we represent the input $x$ as a vector on the computer, you should think of it as a single input. For example, we're not passing $x$ and $y$ into the network.

In [52]:
x = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 500) # input points
array([-5.        , -4.97995992, -4.95991984, -4.93987976, -4.91983968])

Let's plot the sigmoid and the tanh to see their difference

In [53]:
def sigmoid(x):                                        
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) # The real function

plt.plot(x, sigmoid(x), label='sigmoid')
plt.plot(x, np.tanh(x), label='tanh')

To transform a $tanh$ into a $sigmoid$:

\begin{align} \dfrac{1}{2}+\dfrac{1}{2}\tanh(\dfrac{x-c}{a}) = \dfrac{1}{2}+\dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{e^{(x-c)/a} - e^{- (x-c)/a}}{e^{(x-c)/a)} + e^{- (x-c)/a}}=\dfrac{1}{1+e^{-2(x-c)/a}} \qquad\text{(1.2)} \textrm{} \end{align}

($c$ is the threshold, $c$=0 in our case, and $a$ is the sharpness)

Now let's create and plot the dataset for our function

In [54]:
x = np.linspace(-5.0, 5.0, 500) # input points
f = np.exp(-x*x) # The real function

plt.plot(x, f, label='gaussian')

Let's see what the single-layer, single neuron network give us. We have a couple of choices to make:

  1. We must choose some weights and some biases
  2. We must choose an activation function

For now, we will manually specify the weights and biases.

We choose a sigmoid activation function $$\sigma\left(x\right) = \dfrac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}.$$ What are the limits $\displaystyle\lim_{z\to\infty}\sigma\left(z\right)$ and $\displaystyle\lim_{z\to-\infty}\sigma\left(z\right)$? Actually, the sigmoid we have here is called the logistic function. Sigmoids are really a family of functions and the logistic function is just one member in that family.

There are other activation functions as well. For example:

  • Rectified linear unit: $$\sigma\left(z\right) = \text{max}\left(0, z\right)$$
  • Hyperbolic tangent: $$\sigma\left(z\right) = \tanh\left(z\right)$$

Choosing the correct activation function is a really big deal. Notice that the activation functions we've mentioned so far have the feature that they "turn on" at some point and "saturate" at some point.

In [55]:
# Manually specify the weight and bias
w = -4.5 # weight
b = 3.0 # bias

# Perceptron output
z = w * x + b # Affine transformation
h = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z)) # Sigmoid activation

And now we plot the activation function and the true function.

In [56]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(11,7)) # create axes object

SIZE = 16
# Plot
ax.plot(x, f, ls='-.', lw=4, label=r'True function')
ax.plot(x, h, lw=4, label=r'Single Neuron')

# Create labels (very important!)
ax.set_xlabel('$x$', fontsize=SIZE) # Notice we make the labels big enough to read
ax.set_ylabel('$y$', fontsize=SIZE)

ax.tick_params(labelsize=SIZE) # Make the tick labels big enough to read

ax.legend(fontsize=SIZE, loc=1) # Create a legend and make it big enough to read

The single perceptron simply turns the output on and off at some point, but that's about it. We see that the neuron is on until about $x=0$ at which point it abruptly turns off. It's able to get "close" to the true function. Otherwise, it has nothing in common with the true function.

What do you think will happen if you change $w$ and $b$?

Multiple Perceptrons in a Single Layer

It appears that a single neuron is somewhat limited in what it can accomplish. What if we expand the number of nodes/neurons in our network? We have two obvious choices here. One option is to add depth to the network by putting layers next to each other. The other option is to stack neurons on top of each other in the same layer. Now the network has some width, but is still only one layer deep.

The following figure shows a single-layer network with two nodes in one layer.

Some observations

  1. We still have a single input in this case. Note that this is not necessary in general. We're just keeping things simple with a single input for now. If we have more inputs we will have a matrix for $X$.
  2. Each node (or neuron) has a weight and bias associated with it. An affine transformation is performed for each node.
  3. Both nodes use the same activation function form $\sigma\left(\cdot\right)$ on their respective inputs.
  4. The outputs of the nodes must be combined to give the overall output of the network. There are a variety of ways of accomplishing this. In the current example, we just take a linear combination of the node outputs to produce the actual prediction. Notice that now we have weights and biases at the output too.